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To be human is to be a flawed creature and only that being the meaning

Am I perfect no, I'm not. I never mind that question as I am just a human, and I have a poem of thumbs emotions and especially the idea of swearing which is obviously something that most humans have. I am most likely to be emotional and loud as usual that's how I am if I am angry if I'm not angry, I'm still the same way. As I cannot believe half the stuff that goes through my day.  For example, a few days ago, my friend bought my book some thing I did not expect and I thought I was having a PTSD flashback as I said usually I don't see or believe half the things that go on in my day or they be good or bad. This was a good thing, but I literally thought my brain was farting at first when she said that and I should've looked at my reports on the kindle direct publishing site about my book but I didn't think about that but anyways, it was very interesting. It was a surprise if I didn't know, and I ended up signing the book yesterday it was interesting to note then I was writing be happy and see the puppies grow and then I sign my name.
It felt good design a book that was under my pen name or my name at least. It was very interesting nonetheless. Something I've been dreaming about doing since I've been a little kid was too right. As well as to be a tattoo artist something that I've been wanting to do for a long time.

I never thought about signing up work in my life I never thought about actually publishing, a book or having a Author copies my ink babies, other than my tattoos.

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