Part 6 chapter 30

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What I find about eating is that it's a magical thing to do and help you look good as well as feel good

When I watch kill Bill vol one....   I see a nasty stereotypes of Eurasian people who have ptsd, to be psycho and associated with the Japanese Yakuza (to the point where the carry katanas and wearing tacky tattoos).   Well I am a tattooed Eurasian with tattoos does that mean I am Japanese Mafia.   No!   That is  one messed up stereotype that I am trying to break like a latex balloon.

People who are Asian don't have to do marital arts, be Japanese Yakuza or even  be psychotic.   What they are like the rest of us at the end if the day is the fact that we are all human.  We all gave the same emotions and the same thoughts, feelings and dreams.  (May vary from person) but we are all the same.   We have to sleep and go to the bathroom the same way.   No matter how different shades of brown.

50 shades of Grey?

The human race is more of 50 shades of brown and that is it.   Weather you belong ro bdsm community or you're like me who aren't even kinky........ it's 50 shades of brown.

I remember the guy in those books and movies being "troubled"...... well aren't we all to some degree.  Like people with schizophrenia, we all have some voices that we here in our head: the conscience,  our moms, demons, fears, hopes and dreams.
The trick is to weed out that malignant from the benign voices.    Some of just have a harder time weeding.

As you can tell i am a small time mental health advocate and that with me big things cone in small packages.     I was able to 100 pull ups and 200 sit upstairs and 50 push ups.  But because  I am still a tea cup, small, that i can do anything.

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