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You know my love of astronomy, right. Well I remember, one Christmas present for the ages. You see, my childhood wasn't all just a shit show.
Sure there were some idiots.
But there were some good things, like for example this christmas present. This was actually a bunch of astronomical gifts from Santa that time, I was in grade 3. The only none astronomical thing was a doll, which I could care less about.

One thing that I got that Christmas was a solar system mobile kind of like thing it was like a diorama Wednesday of the box. It was just very interesting to see and glue in the dark as well as it was very interesting to see what this was going to do. It's just hung there on my ceiling for the rest of my shit. My life actually is very interesting to see the different planets and I was able to name them off right off the bat. When I actually think about that, I loved that particular mobile lol even though I was not a baby I still enjoyed the idea of seeing a glow in the dark after hard days of being in the sun and then just looking at the planets glow. My favourite planets were Jupiter and Saturn as well as your own's. Those are the two weird ones for me that I enjoy.   If it was in the space related that I wasn't going to look at it as much was for sure, but I was very interested in that mobile and I wouldn't spend the day not with the idiot family relatives that we're going to bug the shit out of me later on in life but I don't live in my room watching the mobile go around and around like as if I was a big baby Lala.
It is very interesting. Have one thing could mean so much even though it is a material I am still at meant a lot  to me.

I think I got other things for Christmas that year but I just remember the mobile planet mobile as if it was the only thing I got Budweiser and I think I got a few action figures and stuff is very interesting. Yes! I was the girl who played with boys, action figures, and I am not afraid to admit that. I enjoyed playing with the action figures more so than all the stalls, because they were more interesting and they had more of a variety.    My favourite action figure was Batman, as well as anything that was see-through or Power Rangers that's what I was dealing with for most of my childhood. I did not really like anything that was in an action figure so most of the and this sounds psychopathic, but most of the Barbie dolls were torn a bits............... I must say that and I didn't little late my NB had most of my Barbie dolls I just didn't like what they stood for conformity and other things if you're only insane.

Power: autobiography   |complete and On Anazonजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें