I can't get no sleep
I can't get no sleep
I need to sleep, I can't get no sleep

I might not know Marilyn Manson personally but when I picked up his biography I was talking a back by some of the similarities we have, in a good way. 
For one is that and spoiler alert we are guilty of looking dirty magazines or at least sneaking a peek when the parents were not around.  

But the other similarities that I share with him is that we both look the divine comedy by Dante.  I will tell you something about that.

When I was on a cruise ship, I was looking at the library grab bag for free books that you can take home with you and I saw that I had the inferno in there the Dantes Divine comedy and I read that over and over again during the same vacation. Also when I was back in Canada, particularly in Perth Ontario for a day program, that was the one with the people that were not too nice to me the first one I mean. I ended up seeing the divine comedy was there all is well and I ended up buying it for $.50. And I ran it until I fell apart. Some thing that I was sad about. But it was very interesting to get a garden tour of heaven purgatory, and of course hell.
I even went as far as under another Pen name to make my own version of it, but didn't work out as properly. I don't usually mimic, but in this case it was a good book.   Oh, so I stirred it because of the biography I'm reading on Marilyn Manson. I decided to start my own biography that you can guess with the same kind of style as his book but a little less dark and dreary. I find it just as entertaining but it's not as dark. I find that I am able to put my own pictures in as well as my own artwork and other things that people might not remember me much about from 10 years ago but well for now. I enjoy making these artistic biographies if you were putting my own spin on the biography, book with my artwork, and other things that I like. I found this to be more soothing and therapeutic, then talking to my idiot, mental health worker.

I will tell you something that she said, I think I may have mentioned this, that when I was piercing myself that she tried to call me self injurious some thing I am not.   If I remember, I told you that I have for freight down in there right on the phone if I remember correctly. I was not very happy to hear that.

Oh, so I am in the music whether it be their steel tongue, drum or singing, trying to write songs or whatever I am very interested in music. Not just listening to it to avoid nightmares, but also to produce it so no one else has to have the same nightmares and I do aka. PTSD so, in that case I wanted to be a little bit of a small time musician. So I got a steel tongue drum and that was the end of that story. Or so I thought.
The reason I wrote, these particular biographies are not to be famous or anything, but the hell, raiser awareness and acceptance of PTSD, by showing my artwork and my life as it is. It is important that we should know that there is a Human. I remember always going on Reddit and said remember the human. And I think we should start remembering the human more often than not.

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