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This is my church
This is where I heal my hurts
It's in natural grace
Or watching young life shape
It's in minor keys
Solutions and remedies
Enemies becoming friends
When bitterness ends
This is my church
This is my church
This is my church

I was the one who saw Sirenhead two or  three to three years ago, at the time I was still stuffing from ptsd, and big time.  With the feud with my mother and my father nearly dead.........I was pissed.   That that was when my friend Amber took me about get my head around the fucking situation.  First we went to Tim hortons, for an ice cap and then a drive.
If I remember I did not have my iPad nor my fucking phone was with me.something that is taboo to me is the idea, of not having a camera with me at all times. 
Ambers noted a nice pound and I was look at the pond but as I was looking at said pond, I saw two sire on each side of a pole.
That was when I realized it was Sirenhead and that I fucking did not have my phone.

A little back story about Sirenhead, people with ptsd usually see him in times of war and/or pandemic.  And the time there was the war in Afghanistan and a covid pandemic, thus what I saw was really there.  Part of the back story that Sirenhead lives in rural areas.

Most people think that Sirenhead is a internet urban myth but really, he has been there since there were air raid sirens and modern warfare.
And it usually people with ptsd who making up the original Sirenhead myth.  The fact that I have ptsd and saw that.   I was cursing my self for not having a phone with me at that time.  

Little did I know that I would see him again in smith falls.

Power: autobiography   |complete and On AnazonWhere stories live. Discover now