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What is with people fight and killing eachother over DNA and/or religion.....
It stupid and senseless.

Again, I am not racist I don't believe in it. I think he's high stupidest start arguments over DNA and religion as well as other senseless things that people might get murdered over. I find us to be just a pain in my butt. To read about another near genocide in Rwanda or somewhere else it's kind of disturbing and insane. Turn out my diamonds because they find a certain group it's kind of disturbing is it's gross.

What is the wind blows is 80 years later people are still being a racist or a bigot and that just drives me nuts the bigots and racist are still there even 80 years to nine years later they're still there to make life miserable for people who might be " of color" which is not really right in my opinion I think we're just a brown.
There's a light brown there's dark brown, medium brown I don't really give a rats ass about this particular subject matter, but it Hass to be sad. As it is annoying to see innocent people getting hurt or whatever over their own DNA or religion. This is what we're fighting over these a while we have walls and stuff I find this r.  And you know what that word means I don't wanna use the actual word instead abbreviation, but your name is ridiculous to start up a war to think that you cannot get along over DNA skin colour on a ledge and I find that ridiculous.
When I was younger I was dumb founded when a friend made speech about the holocaust............it was unbelievable.   The idea of that the human race is not a world since 88 or 90 years ago is very aggravating generally. I find that the human ratio start picking up at socks and start excepting people as they are instead of trying to cull them.

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