Hey friend your misery bewilders me
How come you're never satisfied or gratified
Four walls and a roof
Electricity, stable mind, wife and child
Hot and cold water to run
Anytime but still you whine
I want more

There was one time when I want to my who is my best friend Karen's place before she became a dimwit, and it was a nice storm at the time. Also, I was bored Steph at the restaurant and I didn't wanna go to the restaurant like usual those places make me bored. So this is when I just saw the work 2 1/2 hours from my place to hers as you can tell. I ended up getting in a lot of trouble.

This was in the seventh grade and I as you can tell I got into a big part. I love you do if you were to know what that means. Shit.
When my mom got back to driving my dear Morgan, friend back that was when she blasted me and nearly blew out my right eardrum yes, she nearly blew out my radiator drum yelling at me saying that I should get back to the world and I should get back to it whenever I can. Before the day I die, whenever that would be i hope.
That we can all the weekend from hell I was only allowed to watch The Simpsons and something that wasn't really a Simpson anything but other than that I wasn't really allowed near the TV or anything for that matter that was entertainment. It was very aggravating to be in my room screaming crying because I got in trouble. That was the only time I ever got into any kind of real shit and I ended up learning that I was to get back to the world a year later when I was in grade 8 I would take heed to her words in nearly burst my way to eardrum. And you only cost me a year. If I remember correctly, my father said that we can I would be lucky if I had any memories with my friends something I prove wrong.

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