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Think think THINK

So i grew up in a town that was semi-educated I must say that, for a fact there were some people that were smart, or had brains, and then they were the racist and the bullies who were completely god-awful. The bullies were either going to call you names or call your name that you were not called at birth. I.e. one idiot called me Sarah yesterday and sent me off another idiot. I told you about it in the pandemic calling me the sand N-word something I'm not very happy about.
But then there were some educated people, but they were from out of town and moved and would come from a rude awakening just to find out that it was white supremacist in the town. I didn't find that very delightful myself as one neighbour of mine was firing fireworks in to my parents bedroom, because I was obviously not white, nor Nuro typical, which was not my idea of a good New Year's day, Canada Day, or anything like that.

I live in a small unassuming house that was filled with love, but there were some toxicity in the case sometimes as they were fights and other drama going on, but never anything that would cause for any concern, except the white supremacist neighbor, firing the fireworks into my parents bedroom.

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