Hills to climb, sights to see, seas to cross
Friends to make, hands to shake
The world is yours
Foods to taste, sounds to hear, love to feel
Seeds to sew, things to know, fish to reel

My mother was getting fed up with me, destroying my Barbie dolls. Every time they came out with a new Barbie doll. I had to promise that I wouldn't dismembered. Something I didn't really give a rats ass about. But I just wanted another doll. I thought I was gonna take care of it but then I end up making it a piece of artwork instead yet again.
When I realize this, but I had no find interest in dolls. But I was interested in action figures are in one treat them with more reverence Elena lol I knew there was something different about me as a girl or as a human being nonetheless. Maybe I was a nerd maybe they were right about me being D*ke. But at this point, I didn't care in my life. This was before I even heard the word or her daughter lesbian. Something I despise very much snow is homophobia. When I was in elementary school.
I build that they were getting to the point where I was starting to destroy my action figures if they were not interesting enough for me to keep. And I would be asking my friends and I nails who are just acquaintances are at the time to be giving me their good toys. Some thing I was not really proud of doing right now, but at the time I was just a snot nose kid.

There are a few things that I remember about my action figures but I also remember about my idiot family who are idiots back then, but I remember this completely well was that everyone came my name in my grandpa, as well as everyone with their dog would come for a barbeque and I would spend the day playing with my action figures, and then the next thing you know I would end up sitting in the swingset, until at least midnight, and I will see all the different stars in the show who is very interesting. And it was very interesting to stay up that late never do I know that I was going to suffer for that.
It was late spring almost early summer, and I remember this barbeque well and love the next thing you know, I went to bed after swinging in the dark  while everyone else is in the Rosearbor talking.  Then my mother put me to bed you would think nothing of their ass untill......The next morning I ended up randomly crying for no fucking reason. If I remember correctly, it was water nightmare like I said, I had a bad dream as if I needed to be with my mother at that point. I was having the first Baudo PTSD nightmares at that time, but I still remember that barbeque as if it was finally enough for me. But that was about it. The rest was just nightmares for the summer and I didn't really care for that too much.

I remember my mother saying that I should think about the cherry blossoms on the Apple trees and cherry trees and I blocked the system anyways, I did what I wanted to do cause I'm a fucking nightmares.

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