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Russian mafia says if you do not have tattoos, you do not exist. I agree with this particular philosophy about tattoos.

The idea of writing for me at least not just entertainment, though 99% of the time it is.  But with my three books it's is to entertain but also tell the truth about people like me.    People who are or were traumatized in childhood but doesn't make the trauma own them.  I am when of the the ones who have it under control.
I am still fighting some ox the symptoms of PTSD,  but have over come the majority of it.   The only thing that I still struggle with is nightmares.    This will be a pain in my ass as I sleep for the rest of my days.
Though my life is not perfect.  It is close to it this day, I am proud to say. 
Though i live with friends, my chosen relatives instead of my "blood relatives," people who had called me psychopath and other dump shit.  This new family has not called me any fucking names that are obviously unfounded.
Most days I write and talk to people.
But like the quote above the, not everyone is perfect if the are they are invisible to us "normal humans."
I will tell you that normal is flawed and as integrity.
It is the normal ones that are flawed and the normal looking ones that have been causing problems. I think it's not the goths or anyone else for that matter who are unique. That should be picked on but instead people who are psychopathic and obviously got something wrong with some people like my aunt for example. These people have been nothing but a pain It's a sardi side and it's kind of aggravating for me to see society suffer because of people like my aunt.
People like abuse creatures as kids and show other shit like having no emotional response or remorse.  The air manipulative and evil.
How do I know about Psychopaths when I am not  a psychiatrist or whatever.   Well I just look for the signs and behaviors or non behaviors of these "people".   As simple as that.
I have always been into forensic since age 13 and not psychopath will enough from true crime documentaries and other media.  That is what got me into reading psychology book a year after my 13th birthday.
I found that Psychopaths are a lower class if human.  Unable to love or feel emotional stuff.  The things we take for granted or bitch about.

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