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I don't get people to sand bag or snow other people it's very annoying and passive aggressive is not anything but short of lying

The summer is along us now. And that the ideas if swimming comes to mind.......it drives me insane just tying about the water.  I don't know what is wrong with me but I used to love swimming as a kid.  This time 20 -30 years ago my father would walk me home from the bus stop and tell me that I have a surprise waiting for me at home.  Only to find a pool filled to the rim with H2O.  Something I could not resist.  Why I would splash and dive as if a dolphin but I know I wasn't a dolphin.....just hyperactive. And with good reason.  It was fun.

My parents would smile at the thought of me in the water. What I love the most was not being able to take a shower because I was waterlogged something I enjoyed very much when I was a kid. Now. I just can't stand the water. By so remember these days. Fondly and they were so hot and so blistering that. You'd wanna go into the water right away. Now? I just wanna stick my toe in and try to see if I can get into the water.

A feat nonetheless for me as it was something I couldn't do a year ago. I wish I could do this now. Stick my big toe in the water and be done with that and see where and how far I can go up in the water.

As I am overcoming ptsd. I want to get back in the water.  But there is always some dumb excuse I make up.  My period, not in the mood, tattoo:whatever may come to mine.   I would honestly rather read and write.
Even my hero Ashley who is also  a writer.   She is blessed to be still love swimming.   Like her I wrote romance mostly.   It is just the mother nature works I guess.

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