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Karma is a relaxing song Karma is what makes you go around karma is what will be poetic Justice

This poem (spoiler alert if you haven't read read the moon girl trilogy. Something that I am still working on). To much intell skip to the next chapter.

I When I look at the mirror
I see a concoction of different emotions
As I see this, I wonder what I am going to see stars
Celestial wonders
Or are they black holes?
I will never know until I find out
I want to be nothing more than to be the stars
But I feel I am a black hole out of control
Sucking everything that is inside and destroy everything that I can think of
That is the emotions I go through.
I wish I could say that I can be the stars
Something that can create pretty patterns like the big dipper
But alas, I fear that I am a black hole
What was the past I walk on?
Am I really just a Missunderstood star?
I want to be the stars
And that is the awful truth
That I wanna create art in the skies
I want to be able to create the next big dipper
What will I create if I am a black hole?
I wonder what foggy memories I have of my childhood
Do you create is the proper hi to get
Forget about drugs or alcohol I am the stars
I want to be the stars so I can create beautiful things
Alarm so I fine I'm still a black hole though. I am turning into a
Something that is impossible by all odds I did
Maybe I will become a full star one day
Maybe this is the kind of thing I need in life to help myself
End of the stars and I can be .
Foggy memory that I have
The fog of mind that I will continue to suffer from
I just want to be
I want to be the stars
I will become the star is one day
To create fine art in the sky
To help myself grow into a blue giant
To see where I'm gonna go in the universe
Will I become a nebula when I die to become more stars?
Or will I become a black hole destructive an evil?
I am going to be a nebula
I will become the stars .

When I think of this poem I think of publishing this to ARC poetry magazine. You know that super rate magazine I found. That even had a website that still works......... hmmmmmm.
I want to send stuff into quellbell and ARC to see if my writing will get noticed big time. Right now you need SWAT to note my writing. An old friend mention she accepted my work for quellbell. Great . This person was on Facebook..... and I am glad to call her friend. And well as associate.

Power: autobiography   |complete and On AnazonWhere stories live. Discover now