Part 2 chapter 3

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Shine bright like a diamond like a diamond in the sky —Rihanna

Since I got my little steel toung drum, every time I am asked to sign something for the workers at my group home. I tell them that it might be worth it's weight in gold. For the simple fact is I am always creating something, or doing something constructive. Thus making me more noticeable. Not stroking my feathers.   When I say that my ptsd is a gift in disguise, that it was.  I decided to not feel sorry for my self but in stead to shine bright like a diamond in the sky, as Rihanna said.  I look up to hear as well as marilyn Manson.  Two different music styles but the two different fragments of my personality.   And no I don't have DID, just plain old ptsd, or as I call it the piss off.  I don't want to have DID, though I was close to having it many times in my life, my personality has not shattered but budd into the different aspects of me. 
People with DID aren't as different from you and I.  The just have a unique way of thinking and expressing one's self.  In away we all have DID, we have a personality for one part of our life, or for an occasion or whenever we feel like it.  But it is more pronounced in DID.

I like my psychology, I was reading psychology books more so then my workers at the group home.  Why?   Because my mother was soo concerned about my safety in school that she pulled me out of recess, like I cared about recess.  I hated it. 
So I would go to the school library and in the corner there were law books, actual law books, and psychology text books, and I read and re-read them over and over again. I never really like recess to begin with, to many di twist in the school yard.

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