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It's in the change
The poetic justice of cause and effect
Respect, love, compassion

I used to have an Instagram that was just my artwork. Now it is on my ink babies not touch my tattoos, but my actual books that I have written, or at least to cover art of them. It is interesting to see the other people might be interested in reading what you have to say. That is why I had to write this trilogy of actual autobiographies that I made up. Other than the fact that Marilyn Manson, drew up But  because I want to make people wonder if the assumptions on PTSD or unfounded, which are true in some cases, it's just a show that you have a brain in your head. Some thing I wonder about normal people not having a brain in their head where is iPhone people with PTSD. Another disabilities are able to show that they have a brain some thing I find that is a sign of integrity.
You don't find very much integrity with the Nuro typical community or than normal people they just drive me insane they have been so bad to me and so bad to my friends that it is ridiculously either there or do other things that are god awful. I just don't rather not deal with the normal people.
The only thing I think about is if there is a normal person with a bryan, they must have a diagnosis it's just the way it is because you do not show a brain unless you're disabled, in my opinion I don't think Neuro typical's have brains.  I remember driving I haven't driven through IKEA one time and seeing these people with university degrees driving so horribly and So got off all the lights on what the hell is going on in your head if they had anything going on in their head. Where is my friends from my group home and I have something going on in our head that's where my idea of the brainless wonder comes in the play the brainless theory where people who don't have a diagnosis usually have something wrong with them to begin with and it's called being normal and stupid.
Another example is how they treat other people who look correct or do things differently they act like complete  asses, somethings that I just don't really agree with and doesn't fly with me is the idea that he can act like a complete idiot over someone being different. That is some thing I cannot stand is treating someone subhuman over the way they look the music they play or whatever else makes them different or unique. Remember the school that I want to for elementary school, which was a pile of crap for me. And the kids were brainless wonders because I didn't know how to treat another human being properly. I don't know if it was because they were raised differently as in badly.

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