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I did not piercing my self for self injury is reasons, but to communion with God, and to be a beautiful person instead

I'm not gonna talk about the subject of racism anymore as this is a very touchy subject for me. It is so annoying and deadly and aggravating for me to deal with it. I'd rather not deal with it as I said, I am from Joe dealt with a few racist slurs coming to me as well. And let me tell you it is not fun, but I'll tell you what you should do and I said that someone tell you some of my prophecies.

"I had another prophecy were there I was at LAX airport and I was just your goals waiting around to ghost you know goes because this was a prophecy I wasn't really there when I really saw the worst Plane explosion/crash. That was like a bojinka like attack it wasn't really an accident I was in attacked by idiots why do you idiot brigade as I call them let's just put it that it was near an ocean. Then there is also starting the explosion/crashes in the Himalayas are you in its victims to die of altitude sickness a form of torture.

This is not just any kind of bojinka Attack but this was to actually torture people while they were on the plane or a while they were still alive from the crash there was another crash on the mountain Fuji another high altitude mountain. All this time it was a during this was not the 1990s as this was post Covid. People started blaming the Muslims in the airport and at all over North America again as if it was like a terrorist version of COVID-19 only an attack form instead of the former virus. Then a Costa Rican or Colombian group actually took credit For the act of stupidity saying that they did it in honour of bin Laden because he them everything they needed to know about terror tactics. The people of north America do not believe the Columbian group or anything and still starting to hate Asians and Muslims again."

This can be avoided by being more careful and being more inclusive, and start being more nicer and more polite, as well as understanding and loving to one another.

Power: autobiography   |complete and On AnazonOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora