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Finding a true friend is a rare treasure

I remember when I was in Almonte, Ontario.........my child hood home on Harold street, I remember going on the what was the social site the vampire freaks.  It was a fun site, but a few asses there.  But the people there were mostly great and personal able. When person stood out and would be my friend for more the 10 years. Janara brown.   Though she lives in the states, I developed a report with her and found out we had a lot of the same interestes.  With each message I find that she was more then personable but a genuine human.
There were so many things that we had in common, like Asperger's and interests.
When I was messaging her on vampire face, I found that she was not that much of a nerd or anything. She really nothing but a decent human ba decent human.

Even though the last time I was in the site there was a fucking pervert, she was the one who warned me about it.  
As well as other undesirables, soon we both migrated to Facebook.
Where she was a protective presence in my life still is to the day.  When I reconnected with Fatima I was able to say that Fatima was a sweet girl and that I was happy for once. 
But she was worried about Fatima, at least that is a sign of a friend. Not a dimwit.

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