chapter four

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maría woke up glad it's the weekend, rubbing her eyes, she grabbed her phone to see 10 missed calls from bill, which she began to grow worried.

she immediately called bill which he answered after just one ring, "bill! is everything okay??" she worried, "oh no everything's fine, we were just wondering if u wanna go clubbing with us tonight seeing as u can do ur little sweet talk to the bouncer" he explained, "oh my god u had me worrying, yeah, dunno if my dad will allow me though", "how?? ur mum lets u go just ask her" bill requested.

"nah my mums out with my sister today to go visit my auntie and uncle so my dad and brother are in the house" maría explained, "just sneak out??" bill said suddenly, "oh yeah" maría laughed.

after another hour of gossiping with bill on the phone a voice could be heard shouting, "TOM FUCKING SHUT UP" bill yelled, until a sudden 'ow' left bills lips, "U SHUT UP" tom yelled back, maría could now hear the twins quite literally fighting, "i think that means it's time for me to go.." maría said before ending the call.

"u were phoning maría?" tom questioned, "yeah why do u care" bill said, now holding tom in a headlock, "just wondering jeez, let me go" tom said trying to get outve bills grasp, "nope not until u say sorry" bill said, "fuck off" tom replied pinching bills side making bill let him go as he ran out his room.


maría walks downstairs to see her brother and dad arguing which wasn't unusual when he came home from work, which he would sometimes be away for 2 months at best.

"DO U NOT CARE ABOUT UR FUTURE?!" marías dad mateo yelled, "I DO BUT I WANT A LIFE OUTSIDE OF STUDYING!!!" santiago yelled back, maría stood at the kitchen door watching them, until mateo noticed, "U UNGRATEFUL- oh!! hi sweetheart!" her dad switched, maría put on a fake smile and hugged her dad before making her way to the fridge to get out something to eat.

santiago and mateo were glaring at each other until maría asked her dad a question, "hey dad, can i stay at bills tonight??", "no" he responded, "what?! why?!" maría argued, "can i not spend some time with my daughter after not seeing her for a month!" he argued back, "ugh!" maría scoffed storming away.

she then called bill which he answered but it didn't seem to be bills voice, "hello?" the person said, "hi?? who's this?" maría questioned, "do u not even recognise my voice?" the person questioned back, maría immediately knew who it was, "tom?? where's ur brother" she asked, "he's eating dinner right now, why are u calling?" tom said.

'this is weird we aren't arguing' maría thought to herself, but pushed it aside, "well i tried asking my dad if i could sleep over at urs but he yelled at me and said no, but i was thinking about sneaking out so.." maría explained, "really? well i can help u if u want" tom suggested, marías eyes widened.

"tom are u getting bored of all the girls in our school or what" she was flat out, tom stuttered before answering, "i, uh, what do u mean?" he asked, "why are u acting the complete opposite than u would usually act" she began to interrogate him.

"am i not allowed to be nice for once?" he asked, "'s just strange but whatever, yeah if u want i'll text u when i'm getting ready to leave" she ended the painfully awkward conversation.

"what the fuck" maría muttered putting down her phone, "why is he acting like that, ew" she mumbled before looking for an outfit to wear for later.

she had finally found the perfect outfit which included, her mums dior earrings, a dior bag she was gifted at christmas, a blue revealing top, showing off her breasts in an attractive, seductive way, and finally to finish off the look a simple denim skirt, with knee high heeled boots.

two faced // a tom kaulitz fic Where stories live. Discover now