chapter twenty-three

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it's been 2 months since tom and marías joint decision and it's been fine, it was awkward here and there but they got through it, always greeted each other and hung out with the rest, but never alone, maría had made her boundaries and so has tom.

maría and bill have made up after bill came over the next day crying from how terrible he felt which of course maría excepted his apology immediately, bill was her first ever friend after all.

maría is happy with her life but feels something is missing and she keeps going back to the same answer, tom.

she refuses to admit it but she still loves him, but is unsure if he feels the same way as they're only on a 'break' not 'broken up' or well she hoped.

tom felt the same way, he dreamed every night about holding maría in his arms again, it decreased his mood when she'd be mentioned because he knew she's outve his reach, or well, for now anyway.

tonight georgs holding a party, which was highly unexpected due to his sister, gisela and his always-on-night-shift parents, but luckily they'd gotten the weekend off and decided it would be best to give georg some alone time in the house and are staying at georgs grandparents, so he can relax without the stress of his sister crying or yelling.

so what did georg plan to do? party of course!

maría was now getting ready with bill, but keira, who usually tagged along was with gustav getting ready as she decided she missed her boyfriend too much, so she spend the time getting ready with him.

bill and maría understood, making maría slightly jealous due to the situation her and tom are in at the moment but immediately brushed it off and continued her makeup look of tonight.

"hey can i do ur eyeshadow, ur base is flawless" bill suggested, "uh duh ur eyeshadow is always so beauts" maría complemented, "thank you girl, okay so choose a colour" bill said, taking out his eyeshadow palette consisting of monotone, dark colours, the only pop of colour being the purple, "wow what a wide variety" she joked, "shut up, choose" bill rolled his eyes, laughing.

"umm this one and this one" maría said, pointing to the shimmery silver and black, "perf! i'll do an eyeshadow look on u with these colours, stay still" bill instructed, "yes sir!" she saluted, making him laugh as he began to do her eyeshadow.

"umm this one and this one" maría said, pointing to the shimmery silver and black, "perf! i'll do an eyeshadow look on u with these colours, stay still" bill instructed, "yes sir!" she saluted, making him laugh as he began to do her eyeshadow

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"anddddddd done!" bill shouted, putting the brushes down and clapping his hands before he then finished his own eye look, "oh wow!!, i love it! thank you, i'm gonna get dressed now, look away perv" maría thanked then giggled, "whatevs i don't wanna look at u anyway" bill rolled his eyes, giggling, as maría began to undress from baggy clothes to her party outfit.

this outfit consisted of greys and pinks, she wore a top with the statement, 'shopping makes me feel better' (real), which had a low cut collar line making her cleavage more visible which she wore a push up bra to make her breasts seem bigger than they actually are, (i do the same), she paired this with a micro mini, low waisted, denim skirt, which showed just a peak of her asscheeks, not wanting to flash the whole party but give them a sneak peak x, she finished it off with some pink dior heels and her usual juicy bag which she decided to keep in bills room as she won't be needing it.

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