chapter nine

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the tension between tom and maria was slowly rising as they made their way into the living room and sat down on the couches opposite each other.

"what do u want to talk to me about?" maría said, fake smiling, "well um i just wanted to say um i didn't mean what i said the other day-" tom tried explaining until maría cut him off, "so ur apologising?", "i- uh, well, u know what i mean" tom tried avoiding eye contact with maría until she stood up, patted his shoulder and saying "okay tom." walking away, not making any eye contact.

"so? what happened?" bill asked smiling, "nothing much just he said he didn't mean what he said the other day" maría explained, "so he said the words 'i'm sorry'?", "no, why?" maría replied, "i'm gonna fucking kill him" bill mumbled which maría picked up but ignored seeing as she was kinda over it, as it had just became childish at this point.

she realised she would put her feelings aside and distance herself until she found out how she really feels, incase this was all a phase.

just before maría grabbed bill, he was already out the basement searching for tom to most likely scold him.

bill probably made tom rehearse what he had to say then he just pussied out.

"fuck i didn't do what i was meant to" tom muttered to himself before bill then walked into the room.

"bill-", "i heard" bill sharply responded.

"listen, tom, i know you've hated this girl for years or well u gave off the impression u did and i understand that it's hard to apologise but don't be a fucking pussy about it alright?" bill was flat out.

"why don't u fucking try it! it's fucking hard to apologise u dickhead!!" tom argued, "well it'll be ur fault if u guys don't make up because ur too much of a puss to say the words 'im sorry'!" bill argued back, "oh bill fuck off i'll say it when i want to" tom spat, "fine be like that, you'll get nowhere with her if u are" bill spat back before tom had enough and stormed away into his room.

maría heard the slam of a door and thought it was bill so she made her way outve the basement to figure out what twin had stormed away this time, surprised but at the same time not, to see bill standing in the middle of his living room with a clenched jaw and clenched fists, it was clear they had a 'heated discussion'.

"hey, is everything okay?" maría asked, startling bill slightly, trying to play off his underlining anger for his brother at the moment, "yeah yeah everything's fine.." he replied putting on a awfully obvious fake smile.

"bill ur so shit at fake smiles, tell me what happened" maría giggled, "i'll tell u later girl, let's go finish off practise so the two lovers downstairs can go home" bill joked, "yeah who needs a stinky guitarist anyway" maría joked back, "right? he's such a pain" bill insulted making both bill and maría laugh, as they made their way downstairs to the practise room.


after another good 2 hours of practise it was getting kinda late, and thank fuck it was a bank holiday the next day so maría didn't have to deal with her brothers
- now a day late - scoldings about drinking and getting drunk.

bill had finished off the last song they practised being: 'schrei' by absolutely destroying his vocal cords for the night, knowing fine well they weren't gonna last another hour of practising.

gustav suddenly got a call from a girl nobody knew about, "hey um guys? i'm gonna go i have to uh meet somebody" he said smiling, all giddy, "who's this somebody? is it a girrrrrllll" georg joked, "it might be, it might not i'll never tell" gustav said, putting his finger to georgs mouth, who bit his finger making gustav screech at the pressure he was biting down on.

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