chapter thirty-four

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mentions of a miscarriage

a month has gradually passed and they've continued with their jobs, tom playing at concerts with his band and maría walking for brands; nothing out of the ordinary.

however, this particular week, maría felt very ill, as if the feeling of nausea, more specifically in the morning.

this morning it actually happened, maría rushed to the bathroom of her apartment and spewed up her guts in the toilet, exhausted after wiping her mouth with the back of her hand, having not fully woken up yet.

"what the fuck is happening to me.." she mumbled to herself quietly, as she slowly and tiredly got up to brush her teeth and start her day at the next brand she'd be walking for. maison margiela.


she hadn't contacted tom for the past 3 in a half days due to her busy schedule and having no time to herself, the same with tom, having no time to himself, therefore they've practically been separated for the past half week.

as maría entered the backstage area for the runway, the clock reading "5AM" she greeted the makeup artists around her and the other models, as she thought to herself, 'damn people were right when they said being in a room full of models is like in a room full of aliens', her being one of the aliens keeping in mind.

(it literally does look like a room full of aliens HELP)

she started to get ready into her first runway outfit, the theme being porcelain mannequin dolls, as she was cinched to a bitch with only 2 remaining ribs and now sitting in the seat to get her makeup done.

however, she started to feel that same nauseous feeling she felt that morning, just a little less intense than previously, so she shrugged it off and took a sip of her bottle of water before eventually being called out to walk.

after she confidently strutted as if a porcelain mannequin herself, down the dark, dull and mysterious runway, she was snapped and papped at every given moment.

once she made it backstage the sick feeling rushed up her throat as she held her mouth and ran to a toilet stall, thankfully making it to the toilet before puking all over the walls.

"hey? you okay in there mar mar?" her work friend alex asked, "w- yeah, i'm fine" maría groaned, as she sat up and dabbed her mouth.

" should go home babe, you look literally green and it's not just the you want me to call keira? maybe tom-", "no! no! it's fine, i'll go home after we're done here" maría cut off alex before walking out once again.

half way through her third walk down the runway, she felt something she hadn't felt before, dizziness, she felt her head spin as she tried to pose her body swayed unattractively until she eventually collapsed on the runway, everyone looking at her in shock and taking pictures and selfies with her now unconscious body.


maría woke up backstage of the show being fed water by some of the models who all looked down at her with worried expressions.

"you alright? you fainted out there, y'know.." anok mentioned, "i- im sorry" maría mumbled groggily, "girl don't worry" alex smiled as she helped up maría, the other models smiled softly at her as she rushed out of the building, embarrassed, as the designer looked at her in disgust, as if disgusted that she fainted on HIS runway.


maría entered her apartment, absolutely humiliated with alex, as alex settled her in her bed and called keira to check in on her tomorrow, "i hope you're alright, maybe go see a doctor babe" alex said honestly, "i'll go i'll go, i swear.." maría lied, as alex sighed and nodded before leaving.

two faced // a tom kaulitz fic Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora