chapter thirty-five

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it's been 4 days and tom and maría haven't taken the time between one another to sit down and speak about the event that just took place.

maría was scared, terrified even that tom was so close to breaking up with her, she would rather die than for that to happen..again.

tom rather than laying lazily on maría's couch, he was now laying in his own bed, dazed.

he just couldn't comprehend why maría was so secretive about something so extreme, he blamed it on everything and anything until he came to the conclusion that it was him who was the problem, but of course, his cocky attitude and overbearing ego prevented him from doing anything about it.

he honestly hadn't changed much since he was 17.


maría couldn't take it anymore as she was brushing her teeth, avoiding her gaze in the bathroom mirror, as she suddenly felt the stinging of glass melded into her knuckles as that nostalgic sight of blood trickled down her hand.

she had punched the mirror.

"fuck.." she mumbled, now having to deal with the superstitions of her mother and the scolding's of her father for smashing her mirror, as she groaned to herself quietly she casually finished brushing her teeth and spit out the remaining toothpaste that lay on her tongue before lazily and not really effectively wrapping toilet roll around her bloody knuckles.

she winced softly and sat down on her bathroom floor, feeling nostalgic once again as she lay her head back against the cold wall, sitting in silence, as if to give a silent prayer to the baby that she had miscarried, despite not being religious herself, she is so deep in some unknown state of mind she honestly couldn't help herself.

little did she know, 3 hours had passed as she remains sat on her bathroom floor, staring into space, with no thoughts in her mind, the sheer emptiness of her stomach dominating anything that's willing to enter her mind.

suddenly, she hears a knock at the bathroom door, which shook maría out of her trance, as her mind raced with thoughts, thinking of the people she has given spare keys to.


just before she could find out, a soft voice was heard, "maría..please..let's talk.." says bill softly through the crack of the door that separates them, "mkay.." maría sighs and mumbles as she slowly unlocks the bathroom door, revealing a worried bill, whom is looking down at an ill-looking, dazed girl, as if she was a child again, crying for her mum to comfort her, she needed comforted.

"bill.." she mumbles as she looked up at the slim, tall boy standing in front of her, as he crouched down to meet her level.

"maría, u have to tell me what's wrong, we're all worried sick and...tom's..silent" bill sighs worryingly, as his gaze meets maría's, she returns the eye contact before feeling the water surrounding her eyes that she knows oh so well.

bill instantly grabs her and wraps his arms around her, pulling her into a tight embrace and mumbles into her hair, "please..tell me what's wrong..i want to help- no sorry, i need to help..please, you're never like this..i want that happy, cheerful, light up a room girl that i'm so used to.." he whispers softly, as maría sniffles and cries quietly.

once maría's pent up tears start to calm down, she mumbles into him, "bill..i-i.." she starts off, as bill listens intently, "yes?..cmon.." he replies quietly.

"i had a miscarriage.." maría manages to choke out as her tears continue to flow.

bills heart stopped, he didn't know her situation was to that extent, he thought it was a small argument between them, but this..this was something extreme.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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