chapter six

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tom had woken up surprisingly earlier than the rest, so he got ready to go practise for later but bill still hadn't woken up which started to worry him, so he knocked on his door and got no answer, he then walked in and his eyes widened immediately.

maría and bill were in bed together, bill with his arm around marías waist and his head in the crook of her neck.

tom stood at bills door astounded, he felt an antagonising pain in his chest, was he, jealous?

tom walked over and started to shake bill to wake him up, "bill fucking wake up", his jealousy had now turned into anger, "whaaattttt" bill mumbled slowly opening his eyes, the sudden movement then woke up maría who was sleeping peacefully beside him, "stop moving i'm comfy" maría said, rubbing her eye, "hi tom" she said looking up at him.

"what were u two doing?" he asked in an annoyed tone, "literally sleeping" bill answered, "no i mean why were u guys literally cuddling" tom questioned, "no we weren't, we always sleep like that it's really not that deep tom" maría explained, tom just scoffed, he knew they usually slept close together but this time it annoyed him for some reason, until a devilish smirk was now planted on bills face, "awww are u jealous?" he said.

tom instantly shot round to face his brother and maría now fake making out, making exaggerated sloppy sounds, only raising toms anger level, "FUCKING STOP" he yells, maría and bill immediately shoot their heads round to face tom who was now visibly angry, but why? they both wondered.

"tom it was a joke" maría simply said, "i don't care it's annoying, you're annoying" he spat, this time maría didn't respond, which bill looked at her confused she didn't insult him back, she just got up and walked past him, leaving tom confused as well.

"look what u done now titface" bill said to tom, "what? what did i do?" he responded still in that annoyed tone, "ugh i thought u were beginning to like each other as well" bill said standing up walking past tom who didn't even allow bills comment to process through his brain.

bill and maría were talking as normal at the dining room table finishing their breakfast, until tom came down to join them.

the awkward silence had now filled the air as bill tried to continue their conversation but maría began to give dry answers.

"maría can i talk to u?" tom asked, "mhm" maría responded, standing up to follow tom.

maría followed tom into the basement where they usually practise, "why are u acting like this? is it what i said?" tom asked, "like what?" she responded, "i'm not stupid maría just tell me" he was now pleading, "why would i tell u? i thought we hated each other" maría answered, "yeah well i think that's changed.." tom muttered but maría heard, "the feelings mutual" she replied.

which tom heard and looked at maría, who was now looking down with her arms crossed, clearly annoyed and flustered.

tom lifted her head up and observed her features before leaning in, maría could feel her face burn up as she leaned in as well, until suddenly "PRACTISE TIMEEEE!!!!" georg shouted, "i- oh- um, sorry!" he said turning around meanwhile the rest of the boys stood in shock outside the room.

tom just ignored georg and kept leaning in but maría moved her face to the side leaving tom, kissing her cheek.

"i thought u found me annoying? hmm?" maría said smirking, now walking away, tom stood there, unable to wrap round his head at what his happened, every woman he charms is meant to fall as his feet, why isn't it working on her? how is he unable to swindle her?

after that event took place the boys had now began to practise, maría doing her history homework, or well half assing it just to get at least a pass and basically being peer pressured into doing the boys which wasn't unusual.

two faced // a tom kaulitz fic Where stories live. Discover now