chapter sixteen

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it's the next morning and thankfully marías mum was the one who woke up both maría and tom because if it was her dad tom wouldn't be back.

"maría mi bebé, ¡venga! up for school!" sofia exclaimed, as maría slowly opened her eyes a deep groan could be heard beside her which spiked her mums interest, "huh who else is here?" she wondered, until a figure then sat up with dreads going 5 different directions and baby hairs sticking up, as if he doesn't know what a hairbrush is, "dios mío, ¿tom? when did u come here?" sofia asked, tom still half asleep gave an honest answer.

"i wanted to see maría because i missed her- i, um..i just wanted to say hi to maría, but i ended up staying over haha.." tom quickly adjusted himself as he fully sat up, facing marías mum, sofia, while maría was still sound asleep, "you guys would look nice together, i like seeing mi cariño around people she likes" sofia explained, smiling, stroking marías hair while she was in a peaceful slumber.

this made tom slightly blush as he nodded until sofia gave tom the instruction to wake up maría as she went away to wake up lucia and santiago to get ready for school and college.

"maríaaaaa maríaaaa wakey wakeyyy" tom said, in a sarcastic tone, poking her cheek, "i swear to god if u don't wake up" tom mumbled as he poked at her face again until a groan was heard from her as she furrowed her eyebrows and moved his hand away, "bill fuck off" maría mumbled, "bill? it's me tom idiot ur not having a sleepover" tom replied, kinda hurt she said bill but was very much aware of the CONSTANT sleepovers they have.

just when maría picked that up in her half asleep brain she immediately shot outve bed to see tom giggling at her sudden reaction, "oh my gosh u scared me" she mumbled, rubbing her eyes as they both got ready for the day.

tom quickly ran home to grab clothes to keep at marías and also for the day and ran back to change as he wanted to spend more time with maría before school before he had to put on his 'playboy persona' everyone knew so well.

maría and tom both got changed individually in her bathroom and when maría came out she did a twirl for tom, toms eyes trailing from her face, to her chest then to her waist, taking in every inch of her figure and admiring her natural beauty, which tom did the same when he came out the bathroom making maría actually almost pee herself laughing.

the outfit maría decided to wear for school was a cropped baby tee with the graphic, 'play girl' with a bedazzled mini skirt, matching her red outfit she shoved her school supplies into her red bag and changed her belly button bar to a playboy bunny to match the top, finally finishing it off with her stolen heels (from her mum ofc).

the outfit maría decided to wear for school was a cropped baby tee with the graphic, 'play girl' with a bedazzled mini skirt, matching her red outfit she shoved her school supplies into her red bag and changed her belly button bar to a playboy bun...

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for marías makeup and hair, she recently got her hair done to have a pink stroke to change her look up a bit, her makeup being subtle which was unusual from her exaggerated black smokey eyes, but she wanted to try something different, she added a nude lipstick and lip liner which she then went over with a clear gloss to add a glossy look and quickly straightened her hair, finally ready for the day!

two faced // a tom kaulitz fic Where stories live. Discover now