chapter thirty-one

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maría was hanging out with bill, which again wasn't unusual, even after all these years their bond grew strong at a fast pace like it once did when they first met in middle school.

bill then remembers tom has instructed him to ask maría something, "girl" bill suddenly said, as they were eating mcdonald's at the food court in one of the biggest shopping centres in LA, "yeah?" maría said, stuffing her face with chips (fries wherever u live), "tom told me to ask u if u wanted to go out for dinner with him tonight" bill asked, which maría scoffed a little before responding, "he couldn't ask me himself?" she asked, "he was going to, but then thought it would be better if i said it as we were gonna hang out today anyway" bill responds, defending his brother.

"ah, okay, tell him then i said alright" maría said, rolling her eyes playfully and continues to eat her burger.

maría and bill were hand in hand, walking through the shopping centre, looking at outfits to wear to the next event being held among celebrities as they were then spotted by paparazzi and had no choice but to answer their questions.

"maría! how come ur holding hands with bill and not tom! is this cheating?" one questioned, making them both laugh, "what? no we're just good friends that's all, and for me and tom, we aren't even together" maría said once again rolling her eyes, which bill copied making some paparazzi laugh.

"cmon can u tell us what's going on behind the scenes between u and tom maría?!" another questioned, "there's nothing going on, we're simply just....enjoying each others company" maría smiled, "yep and if they were together, they would make it fucking obvious" bill stated, as maría playfully hit his arm and laughed.


they finally made it back to bill and toms apartment and marías heels loudly clacked down the hallway, which tom recognised immediately and quite literally sprinted from his room to see maría.

"heyy" he said, popping his head out from the corner, "hiya" maría responded, smiling at him.

"so? did u take up on my offer?" he asked, "i'm not sure, i wanna hear u say it" maría smirked, looking directly into his eyes, "i uh, do u wanna go to dinner with me?" tom asked, darting his eyes everywhere else apart from maría due to nervousness, making her laugh.

"of course, tommy" maría responded, smiling at him as she fully entered the house.

tom felt his face heat up as he heard the nickname he hasn't heard for a long time, especially from the girl he once had a relationship with.

they all hung out as they did just a few years ago, until bill started talking about families, "so, how's lucia she must be what 15?" bill suddenly asked, "oh! she's good yeah she's gotten so tall! she's 5'7!" maría exclaimed, "how tall are u? ur pretty tall" tom butt in, "i'm 5'9" maría smiled, "ah so u were the lucky one with the genetics and modelling" bill laughed, "oh shut up ur both 6'1 and 6'4 so don't u talk" maría laughed.


after a while maría was sitting comfortably by bill, tom too busy practising his guitar although he was the one who asked her if she wanted to go on a date, which, maría is still waiting on that so called date.

"billll ughhhh when is he gonna take me on that stupid dateee" maría complained, "i honestly dunno, hold on i'll go talk to him" bill giggled, as maría simply nodded.

tom soon came running into the living room, almost panicking, and profusely apologising to maría, whose been sat there for an hour waiting on tom getting ready, but it's clear he forgot.

maría quietly chuckled, enjoying him panic in a funny way of course, as she got up and put on her heels, getting ready to go.

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