chapter twenty-six

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maría and her dad have been none stop arguing about her and her relationship with tom and her friendships with the rest of them, it's been 3 days and the house is never quiet.

maría and tom were hanging out at the park nearby and we're just talking about anything and everything, holding hands while one was on one swing and one was on the other, staying close to each another.

"i really love u maría" tom blurted out, as he slightly blushed, marías face flushed a deep red shade before she answered, "i really love u too tom" she smiled cheekily back, as he laughed and made their way to the seesaw.


maría ended up staying at the twins due to her being exhausted from all the arguments her and her dad have been having and it's been less than a week, luckily he goes on his business trip the next day, except this one is quite a big trip so her dad had to make a decision, for them all to move to LA or to stay here and get half of his wage taken off him.

it was a difficult decision but he decided to be nice and reassure everyone they're staying in germany.

tom and maría were downstairs with georg, gustav, keira and bill (ofc) as they watched this new movie that came out, the movie being 'superbad' who had some funny actors in it georg really wanted to watch.

as they all sat and laughed at every joke told throughout the movie, tom whispered into marías ear, "hey u okay?" he wondered, "yeah why?" she whispered back, "dunno u look kinda worried, is there anything u wanna tell me?" he asked, "i mean my dad was given a business trip except this time we all have to move, but he reassured us we wouldn't and we'd stay here so nothing to worry about" she explained, smiling, as tom smiled back and turned his head to continue watching the movie.


maría was snuggled up with tom while the rest of them stayed in the guest bedroom, georg sharing with bill mostly to give keira and gustav their privacy.

maría was slowly falling asleep staying quiet, as tom stroked her hair and scrolled through myspace on his flip phone, the pressing of the button relaxing maría as she closed her eyes until suddenly her phone began to ring.

"fuck, tommy can u answer" maría groaned, "sure" tom said, as he picked up her phone and answered, "hello?" he asked, "oh yeah she's here" tom replied, it sounded like a woman.

tom gave her, her phone as she answered, "hello?", "hello mi amor, u need to come home, the plans have changed, and we're moving to LA" sofia explained, maría immediately sat up and starting frantically grabbing her things, quickly giving tom a kiss on the cheek saying she'll explain later as she quite literally ran out the house and ran home.


"i'm so sorry mi bebé, we can't do anything about it, if ur father loses half of his wage we're done for, my job won't do us any favours either, so we have to move" sofia explained as maría sniffled, while sofia stroked her hair.

"está bien, levantarse, let's get ready to go shall we?" sofia smiled, "wait mamá! i need to tell my friends and tom!" maría exclaimed, "don't worry mi bebé, i already called their parents to let them know, keep in touch with them would u? they're good to u" sofia smiled, "yeah.." maría smiled in return.


"maría we need to talk" her dad demanded, "mhm what's up" she asked, packing away her clothes, "seeing as we're moving, u and that tom boy will have to break up, and u have no choice about it, so you'll have to let him know" mateo evilly smiled, "wh- okay" maría spat, 'i don't even wanna put up a fight, but how dare he do that to me?! i love tom and i can't push him away like that, i mean it won't be substantial if we're so far away from each other so...' maría thought as she put away her last pair of jeans.

she took out her phone and dialled toms number, after just one ring he picked up, "hi tommy-", "i heard" he responded, sounding as if he's been crying? "tommy are u okay?" maría questioned, "y-yep im fine" he responded, "look tommy, we're gonna be hundreds of miles away from each other, and i don't want to keep u trapped in this relationship especially if it's gonna be long distance, i'm so sorry tom, i promise we'll stay in touch" maría stated, as she heard a quiet, sad sigh from the other end making her feel even worse.

"i understand maría, i hope we cross paths again in the future, just remember this, i'll always love you" tom said in a heartfelt tone, making maría blush over the phone, "i'll always love you too" maría answered, and after that the call had went silent and tom had hung up.

maría felt so unbearably bad, but knew she couldn't do anything about it, it was either that or move house to a poor estate somewhere else in germany so there was no winning in this situation, she would be separated from all her loved ones either way.


it was time to leave already, all the furniture etc will be shipped over in the next week or so, the same with some clothes they couldn't fit in the boxes, as they brought their suitcases to the airport, maría looked up and seen her whole friendgroup waiting with open arms as she dropped everything around her and ran to tom first.

"i miss u guys already" she complained, a tear falling down her face as tom wiped it away and gave her a kiss on her forehead, "i'll miss u so much my love" tom whispered in her ear as they felt each others embrace.

as they all hung out for a bit in the starbucks at the airport marías families boarding number was called as they all made their way to leave, as she said bye to them all and promised to keep in touch, she began to walk away.

until a hand grabbed her arm, as she turned to see tom with watery eyes, "hey" she smiled, "but i really need to go", "i know i know, can i have one last kiss?" tom asked, making maría blush, "of course my love" she smiled, as tom leaned in to kiss her grabbed her lower waist as she grabbed his face as they pecked each others lips a few times before santiago shouted 'get a room' making them laugh as she hugged him and whispered a few words of affirmation to him as he did the same as they finally pulled away from each other.

maría and her family were now on the plane, she was sitting next to lucia who's been upset and crying since they left, she honestly loved tom more that maría did, especially her crush, georg.

"don't worry lucia, i'm sure we'll see them in the near future" maría said, comforting lucia who leaned her head on marías shoulder and fell asleep, as they were making their way to their new home, their new life.

who knows what the future will hold?


soz babes for the cliffhanger also this chapter is so fucking short sorrreeeeee but that's bc this is just a filler i guess but it'll get better and more eventful, it was getting boring and it needed a big change so let's see what happens in the next chapter!! i luv u all my little pussyfarts and hope ur all well xoxo

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