chapter twenty

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"who's this?" maría asked, seeing a girl wrapped around toms arm.

"oh she's just a biggg fan" tom replied, the anger gradually building up inside maría, seeing him acting so careless in front of her, 'is this because i blew a kiss at georg? seriously?' maría thought, but one thing she wasn't gonna do was cry, why would she cry over something tom did?

"let's go sit down over here" bill suggested, seeing marías angry expression, tom still looking everywhere but maría.

maría and the rest sat down, as gustav went away to grab beers for them all, including the girl, maría decided to sit beside georg as he was by himself and felt bad, also because tom was pretty much paying no attention to maría and putting his whole focus on this girl who was brought back.

"u did really good out there georg" maría smiled, putting her hand on his, giving his hand a squeeze reassuring him he did very well even though he was extremely nervous.

"thank you maría, i almost shat myself a few times im not gonna lie" georg admitted making maría laugh as she moved closer besides georg due to gustav coming back and sitting on the same couch as keira, maría and georg.

obviously tom knew that maría had moved closer to georg which immediately caught his eye, but he decided to shrug it off as he was speaking to this fan who was visibly trying to look appealing to tom, which wasn't really working, she was pushing her tits together and everything, also it was obvious she was wearing 2 push up bras on top of each other which honestly made tom cringe, but as she was a 'big' fan he had to seem impressed in a way.

in all honesty he was kinda checking her out, i mean who wouldn't when her tits are basically in his face, maría noticed this and began to feel self conscious but decided 'two can play at that game'.

"i can't open this bottle! georg can u help me" maría asked, to which georg replied, "yeah of course!" he exclaimed, opening the bottle for her as she smiled at him before taking a swig.

she could hear small whispers from the couch across from her which tom and that girl were on, keira speaking to maría but maría not making eye contact, only focusing on tom.

"maría? maríaaaa?" bill waved, "oh bill what's wrong?" maría snapped outve her trance, "nothing u just looked zoned out" bill replied, "yeah haha i was sorry" she responded, before turning to once again speak to georg, pulling up her skirt a little to reveal more of her legs, touching georgs arm in a seductive way.

"aw georg ur so funny! i honestly love u" maría giggled, genuinely laughing at one of his dad jokes, "i love u too, wanna check out our homepage? it's getting more views" georg suggested, before he whipped out his flip phone, "mhm!" maría replied taking a sip off her beer, as she rested her head on georgs shoulder, obviously in a friendly way.

the girl beside tom kept trying to get his attention by once again pushing her boobs together and speaking in an overly seductive tone, "tomi ur so handsome, wanna come back to my hotel room?" the girl whispered in toms ear, "no im sorry, let's stay here for a bit okay?" tom whispered back, giving her a smile to let her know he's not pissed off, "ahh okay" she replied.

bill shot tom a death glare, which tom returned it with a shrug, not really knowing what to do in this situation, as he peeked over at georg and maría to see maría with a majority of her legs showing, flashing her red lace panties toms way, but leaning her head on georgs shoulder, "what the fuck" tom mumbled, seeing marías alluring facial expression and slowly moving closer to him.

this made tom grit his teeth as he then stood up, grabbing marías wrist who almost tripped over before shouting, "TOM!!" which he ignored until they reached the restrooms, "what is it" she spat, "what the fuck are u doing all up on georg?!" tom replied, "well what the fuck are u doing with that girl all up on u?!" maría scoffed, "sorry! but i can't do anything about it! her dad is the owner of the concert hall and i can't just push her off me!! because she'll rat me out to her dad and get us kicked out!" tom spat.

two faced // a tom kaulitz fic Where stories live. Discover now