chapter twenty-five

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maría came home in suspicion due to her brother not specifying what the subject her dad would be talking about due to their dad not really conversing with them in general, once again, because they're the 'disappointments' in his eyes.

as maría step foot in her house, she was greeted with a deafening silence, making her feel partially uncomfortable as she took off her heels from the day before and brought them upstairs with her, she heard the noise of the living room tv which wasn't abnormal, glad in a way that someone's home.

she placed her heels on her shoe rack she built herself (women in stem) and lay on her bed, overthinking about what her dad wants to talk to her about that is so important.

suddenly her door creaked open, snapping her outve her trance as she looked at her now open door, staring at her brother who had a visibly worried expression displayed on his face, "santi what's wrong? i'm worried what dad wants to talk to me about" maría rambled and just before santiago told her the door slammed shut, "MARÍA ALVAREZ GET UR ASS DOWNSTAIRS NOW!!!!" mateo shouted, rather aggressively.

she gave santiago a quick scared glance which he returned, before now making her way downstairs as her dad grabbed her arm and took her forcefully into the living room and shut the door behind them, "dad why are u being so aggressive what did i do?! is it because i stayed at georgs??" maría questioned frantically, scared at her dads unusual behaviour.

maría sat down on a couch as her dad sat on the couch across from her, as he lay his elbows on his knees and buried his face into the palms of his hands.

"maría im disappointed in u..not even disappointed.....disgusted seems more appropriate" he spat, "what did i do?" maría asked, "i know ur going out with that dreadhead." mateo spat again.

maría immediately tensed up, as she felt her eyes surround with a warm fluid, as she looked up to prevent her tears from showing, 'fuck fuck fuck fuCK FUCK FUCK!!!' she mentally yelled, 'HOW DOES HE KNOW?!' she thought.

"w-whaaat? no we aren't dad hones-"
maría replied before she was suddenly cut off, "then why have i seen u in the news at least 4 times with him?! his stupid little band has gotten even more popular! and u thought u could hide this from me?! i told u to stay away from them, didnt i? u couldn't even do the simplest task without being a burden could u?" mateo ranted, maría keeping tense as she nodded, unable to respond from the amount of shock she felt.

'will tom be okay? FUCK i hope nothing happens to him because of my dad' maría mentally prayed, "break up with him now." mateo demanded, "what?! no!! dad how could u?!" she yelled, "I KNEW ID BREAK U EVENTUALLY!!!" he yelled, 'fuck he caught me out' maría sighed, as she shook her head, disappointed in herself.

"dad please, just leave him alone and i'll do what u say" maría practically begged, "wow ur actually obliging for once? no arguments?" mateo snickered bitterly as maría threw her head back in frustration before the door bell suddenly rung.

mateo immediately stood up and answered the door, once he left the room maría broke into tears, absolutely petrified at what her dad could possibly do to her boyfriend, and friends too.

there were no limits to how angry this man could get, physical? verbal? emotional? nothing held this man back.

marías mascara began to run down her face from the uncontrollable tears drowning her face, as she could hear the door slam as a familiar voice was heard demanding to see maría.

maría didn't have the time or energy to stand up until a recognisable face stormed himself into the living room, where maría was sat on the couch in tears, her face in her palms.

two faced // a tom kaulitz fic Where stories live. Discover now