Chapter 8: Awaken! BattlenizerBoost! T-II

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Yapool: ?!?!?! What trickery is this?!?!?

Yapool yelled as he asked.

Seeing the two spheres of light before you, the sphere of light which contained nothing inside fired six beams at the Shane Hunter Incarnations' Buckle Holders, to their and your confusion. With everyone watching on at what is happening, you all see that the Boost Mk III Buckles the six have in possession are being replicated by those beams of light. After replicating them, the beams carried them as they converged them together, combining them into one Boost Mk III Buckle, to everyone's shock.

While everyone witnessed the Buckles combining together while bringing it inside the sphere of light, Yapool roared as he launched numerous Dimension Beams at the two spheres, only for them to still be glowing bright, to his shock.

Yapool: The spheres of light containing that combined buckle and my Trophy... are impermeable... those lights are emanating protective barriers....

He said.

Then, the light containing the Boost Mk III Buckle began transforming it into something powerful, likewise to the other containing the NEO Battlenizer. After altering two trinkets, the egg that you have can be felt hatching, for you to fish it out as you watched the egg hatch to reveal something from within. After awhile, the egg hatched as it burst into energy, causing the light that contains a Buckle in it to soon be absorbed by that energy, for you to hold onto a Buckle in hand that is now shining brightly, to your shock.

(A/N: Music starts here. Music Name: Rei's Battle.)

As soon as you have the Buckle in your hand, the glow dissipated for you to see a combined Buckle in hand, for you to hold onto it.

As soon as you have the Buckle in your hand, the glow dissipated for you to see a combined Buckle in hand, for you to hold onto it

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(A/N: This Buckle. Ensure the Engines that are red will be Silverish Grey instead of red, ensure there are 5 Engine Triangle Exhausts instead of 3 Engine Triangle Exhausts, the red details are translucent red, there are bluish black vein-like cybernetic outlines all over the Buckle and ensure that the Triangle exhausts behind the Engines have FOur Tails instead of three.)

Seeing this Buckle, Shane looked in shock from a distance.

Shane: That's... our Boost Mk V Buckle when we combine together like our LaserBoost Mk II!

Suiko & H: But how???

Yapool: Wait! Mk V?!?! But that's impossible! That Buckle isn't in the Database of the Desire Grand Prix!!!

Shane stated, Suiko and H wondered, and Yapool said.

Looking at the Buckle, you look at it while having a confused look on your face, knowing that you have never seen this Buckle before. As you looked at its details, you see another Buckle connected onto and a connection port at the end tip of the Boost Throttle Lever, for you to think there should be another one when the other buckle opens up, making you think it was destiny that brought you here to this current path.

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