29- Risk

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“I knew you’re doing something…” he muttered as I watch Mari walked away from us to answer the phone call she  received.

I wasn’t thrilled nor even can describe this something stuck in my throat. Making me feel heavy each time I desire to speak

“Something like what?” I asked as I avoid his gaze and look into my red wine trying not to burst in heavy tears.

“Something like this, Tory… I knew you’re always such a trouble”
The moment I walked inside  this restaurant and saw his face. All things started to make some sense. Connor told me about this. Even my own sister has a hunch but I never listened.

Varene told me a couple of times. To be f-cking careful. And now, here I am. Loosing my heart once again in a game that I build yet I’m the one  who’s going to be the greatest looser of all time.

“At talagang ginamit mo pa talaga ngayon ang ina ng anak ko sa kademonyohan mo. pati anak ko?” he gritted his teeth as his jaw clench upon looking at my sarcastic smirks.

He always saw the bad thing in me. but he never looked at my feelings.

“The term ‘ginamit’ only exist in your vocabulary… you’re too good when it comes to that” I  coldly said spinning my wine glass to mix my wine.

“Hindi ka pa nakontento sa ginawa mo. my family went downhill because of you.”

I didn’t respond to his words. I just continue for what I’m doing, waiting for my wife. thinking how long can I endure all this heavy feeling. Acting so sarcastic and acting so strong. Hiding my trembling knees and wounded knuckles after I punch my wall last night. The only thing I could make myself  still feel something after getting numb was to hurt myself.

My own family told me not to hurt myself a lot more than everyone could ever think.

But did I listen?

I suppose I did not… at all.
It’s not easy, no matter how people tried to tell me to  not hurt  myself. I still always found myself hurting my own body to still make me feel something each time I feel numb.

“ALL I need is an apology, Enzo. That’s all I’m asking… to all the things you did. For using me, my influence, my  family… and making me f-cked up” I said trying to hide the bitterness in my voice.

He laughed sarcastically. “Apology?? Should I even do that, Tory. After all what you did? Maybe hurting you to trick your g0d damn brain, using you and your influence and f-cking your body wasn’t enough. You deserve it”
I froze from all the words he said.

I’m trying to do all my best to calm.

“Do you even think that Mari, loves you? Oh come on, Tory. I know Mari so well. Meeting you as her wife makes so sense now. Because who wouldn’t?” he paused as he look into my eyes full of sarcasm. “you’re f-cking rich. I get it now. She needs help with her f-cked up situation. And you exist. And maybe you’re too foolish enough to believe that Mari would love you. Maybe your money… yes. But you Tory.”

“Impossible” he added as an insult.

The way he talk. The way he manipulate me into believing his lies to control once again. Impress me a lot.
I used to believe him. each time he does that. he made me feel that no human is even capable of loving someone  like me who’s f-cked up and complicated if it wasn’t because of my money and influence.

I used to believe him.

I loved him because I though he’s the only one that will love me.
All the memories we had. All the love he showed me that I f-cking thought was  real… it was all part of his plan.
I didn’t  answer once again. Trying to stop myself from muttering words my other self wont like to hear.

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