Chapter 68

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Pan Xiaocheng recently looked at Xie Luyu like his own yellow flower girl, and guarded against him, for fear that Xie Luyu would go back and break the roots after he did not watch.

He has been obsessed with emotional forums these days. He has read all kinds of dog-blooded posts. Just like chasing dramas, what happened to a scumbag for a lifetime, what was deceived by money and deceived affection? Luyu.

To put it to the heart, Xie Luyu has been watching him since he first joined the company. He has taken him with him for so many years. Although the two of them are a little bit different in age, he sees Xie Luyu not much different from seeing his own children. He worries about Xie Luyu's loss every day.

"The variety show our company has recently promoted is quite popular. Why are you also a shareholder? Take it and find something for yourself."

Xie Luyu didn't ask much, he spread out on the sofa, and hummed casually.

Pan Xiaocheng seized the opportunity to brainwash Xie Luyu.

"This feeling, that's it. Reality may be very different from what you think. You say it is beautiful and beautiful, but it is also precious and rare. It may take a long time for you to find the right person. There are so many in the world. People are as vicious, complicated and social, as beautiful, simple and pure. Don't be disappointed."

"You don't have to be him, just see and understand, don't plant anymore, you didn't go to him again, did you?"

Xie Luyu was a little impatient.

"No, how many times have I said it, I have a bottom line."

Pan Xiaocheng was a little relieved. He was afraid that Xie Luyu was the same as those mentioned in those posts, just like being caught by a demon. Now it seems to think too much.

Xie Luyu has always been strong, and he has a strong self-esteem to death. Such Xie Luyu was quietly touched as a spare tire. If it is not blown up on the spot, it is already good. Can he slip back with his tail? This is so mean.

Over there, Xie Luyu bit the cigarette butt, then turned on his phone and glanced at it, but there was still no news.

It's been two days.

After a while, he changed his mind again. It was only two days, Xie Luyu, be patient and give people some time.

When Xie Luyu thought about it this way, his anxious heart was much better.

At that time, if Xiao Gu came to him and he did such a hurtful thing, he would definitely not be able to forgive him so easily. If he came three times, then forgive him by himself.

After a while, Xie Luyu thought again, in fact, two times are fine.

After a while, Xie Luyu tapped his phone and checked.

In fact, if Xiao Gu can find it, it means he already knows that he is wrong, right? You should be magnanimous and don't be so small.

A few minutes later, Pan Xiaocheng, who used the emotional forum, got a post.

The title is very long.

[I broke up in a quarrel, and now I regret it, how can I remedy it? How to save it? 】

Pan Xiaocheng looked at the name of the post and started to sigh.

"How humble is this feeling."

The content clicked in is even more annoying.

[My boyfriend lived with me and we had a fight because he didn't want to confirm the relationship, and he also made it clear that he didn't want to get married. We finished the quarrel, and now he is completely silent. What should I do? 】

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