Chapter 82

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Gu Qingchi is knitting, and he doesn't know what to knit. He just likes knitting. The part that has been woven is a bit strange. There is a big bunch of wool on the floor next to the sofa, fluffy, with his movements. Scroll little by little.

Little raccoon stretched out her paw next to it and touched it. The ball rolled and then quickly let go, as if she wanted to touch it but didn't dare to touch it.

On the day Gu Qingchi and Xie Luyu went to see a movie, the dolls in the mall held an event and gave them a lottery ticket. After redeeming it, they found that the prize was a few fluffy wool and sweater pins.

First, Xie Luyu wanted to use it to knit a scarf for Gu Qingchi, then Gu Qingchi looked at it fun, and started knitting. At first, it was just for fun. Then there was nothing to knit. I didn't care about the wrong stitches. where.

In their free time, the two sit on the sofa together to knit.

Weaving for a period of time compares the progress.

Gu Qingchi's weaving is very casual, fast, and rough, leaking a hole from time to time.

Xie Luyu's language is quite cautious.

"In terms of area, I am convinced of the loss."

Then the two looked at each other and started to laugh, lying down on the sofa with laughter.

After smiling, Xie Luyu went to see Gu Qingchi with his face sideways, and the sun shone on him to outline the outline of his side face. Gu Qingchi has always been faint to the outside world, and he laughed, no matter what his mood, it has always been like that. It's like an undercurrent surging under the sea, but the sea is still calm.

It's the first time Xie Luyu saw someone like Gu Qingchi. He cried quietly, and laughed quietly, silently, but when you get to know him in depth, you will know that he is just Staying alone for too long, I lost the ability to laugh happily and cry happily.

Xie Luyu asked suddenly.

"How do you feel today?"

Doctor Jiang needs to know how Gu Qingchi is. Gu Qingchi first reported regularly, but later became lazy and didn't want to talk too much. Xie Luyu asked every day.

Asking this way, you don't need to report regularly as you do tasks every day, and Gu Qingchi is also willing to answer.

The answer was his true feelings, good for good, bad for bad. At that time, he didn't have the energy to cover up, and eating and sleeping well every day would exhaust all his energy.

Gu Qingchi answered quickly today, the same as yesterday.


Gu Qingchi really feels very good these days. There is no longer the state of eating regularly every day, letting himself sleep well, and living a very hard life, but I don't know why, and he is always sad.

It seems that there is always a period of time in life where you will be inexplicably low, but when it passes, everything starts to shine.

Gu Qingchi has things to do every day, like weaving things or watering the crab claw orchids that he bought a few days ago, taking care of the lush little life.

He also bought a cabinet. It's not a big expensive brand. It's just a small workshop nearby. It's so small that there is no brand and no delivery to the door. The master makes it himself. He sells as much as he makes. He brings it back. It was assembled and placed on the first floor to put his orchids and more and more small things.

He also bought a car, which was not expensive, and had a large trunk. This car ran out of his remaining savings, but when he wanted to go somewhere, he would always think of it, and occasionally. I think about buying milk tea, I am very greedy, add whole sugar, add pearls and coconut, and then I will spend some time happily.

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