And for July? (Rant?)

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And after a break for June, we've jumped back into the clean up process of old Prince books posted almost ten years ago

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And after a break for June, we've jumped back into the clean up process of old Prince books posted almost ten years ago. I'm mustering up what point Skipper and Mo's book will be done, done. I don't want to go too long or drag it took much because if I run out if steam before the summer is up, I'm screwed. Although, I also want it to be fully complete. I have a specific point in time.

Gonna do one more Lyric and P edit before I deep dive back into Monica's world. Like I said before, OF4S is a very, very different book with these edits. A main core of it is the timeline. Why is somebody who wasn't around until November of '88 already here in March of '88, you know? Stuff like that. So I have to replace them with fictional people. There's also too much of the girls in his life crossing paths with Lyric in a direct way.

In my head, after he got back from LoveSexy's Japan leg, she's in the running for the girlfriend race and she's the favorite. That's why Anna didn't stay long after and got sent back home, telling her homegirls they were making a girl group. She's not allowed to know all of the tea anymore because now he's actually afraid of turning her off with his antics. And if she's in town, any and all of the jump offs are sent to their designated hotel room at the Chanhassen Inn. So, we are separating those details because accuracy is the key to her hell. That can be accomplished by Halloween.

As for Monica and P? I think they're smooth sailing. When I finish it up, I'm not touching it anymore. The question lingering became how far I'm willing to go into Dirty Mind Tour's second leg but I think I've got it all figured out right about now. I need to finish while I'm still thinking about it. Can't say too much as I am actively updating that one.

K. Those are my thoughts and now I must create.

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