update list

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Okee Dokee.

So, I'd asked everybody what they wanted to see and hear, blah x3. I'm just kind of thinking out loud in paper form, I guess. I wish I could have a writing— I'm not even going into that. Okay, let me see...

Last Update:
Distractions, Chapter 46

Next Update(s):
A toss up between...
Vanté, [insert chapter name]
The Nelson's Waves, W10•Roger.

Honestly, I'm leaning closer toward W10•Roger because Yolanda's going to trial for muuuuuurrrrrrrderrrrrrrr *Kevin Hart voice*  So, you know, I'm digging that because the main question right now is, what about baby Roger? Mhmm, so, that's that!

Later Update(s):
I'm Yours, xvi
I have to be in a Prince (The Album) mood to write that book and lately I've been very Sign O' The Times. I'll say it will be updated by St. Patrick's Day at the absolute max, more than likely earlier but, I need wiggle room.

The Saga
I'm working on that right now, actually. However, I'm not focused on it. I'm going to say that will be updated by no later than February 20th.

Hidden Valley
Nobody on this side of the world reads that but, I have to update it a lot because it gets the most attention right now. That'll probably be updated by Valentine's Day.

DMSR Series Bonus Chapter(s)
I love updating these. They bring back a sense of nostalgia for me. I was working on Michael & Lyric's second date last night. I was thinking of also posting Prince's second proposal to GOLD. The way he did it was cute in my head, it could probably work on paper.

I will never give up on this book. I love it too much. I work on it every week, little by little every day. If I'm lucky, it'll be up by June 7th. I really do hope that is what ends up happening. We love Purple Rain Prince. So, say a prayer over that one, would you?

Another book not intended for this side of my world, however, I love it almost as much as I love Desire... almost. I work on that one occasionally when I'm really motivated.

17 Days of Prince
I'm doing another 17DOP. Even though last year, they didn't get much attention, I really enjoyed it. I'm about to start writing some early JUST IN CASE something comes up during that time. So, expect that.

Besides the listed, I'll probably randomly post little woks here like I would on Purple Ponders. I want to start reading again because The Gemini is calling me and almost everybody I follow has read it. I also want to read another book that a mutual of mine wrote called Falling In Leaves, it's a 90s fic though. I'm taking it one book at a time, you know. There's a few other Prince fictions that I'm interested in... but, they don't give me what I'm really looking for in a book, you know? Butterscotch Biscuit Head always said to play the music you want to hear. Hence, why I write so damn much.

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