sweet little lies.

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inspired by: little lies by fleetwood mac
(it's been in my head all day)
era: parade :)
date: two.eleven.nineteen

Wiping tears from her eyes, she adjusted her hair in the mirror. Word had spread rather quickly. Having never adjusted to life without him, it hit her in the center of her big heart. She closed the compacter and sat in the driver's seat for a moment.

She thought over life.

The way everything had so quickly gone down hill over the course of a single year. She vividly recalled the life that she was sure that she was meant to live. Every night was a new city and a different set-list. Every day was a new funny adventure during rehearsal. Every blind block was a new rendezvous. He kept her on her toes and she loved it. He kept her alive and she was grateful, understanding that fresh air is a horrible gift to waste away.

Life had changed when the peak of the high began to die down and even through the lowest of all lows, she could not help but want to be near him... be by him... be with him.

He exited from the doors, laughing with who he believed was his loved one. She stood tall, with the help of heels, bundled up in an olive peacoat, giggling as she trotted beside. Her large red hair looked beyond familiar. He swung a cane in a humorous fashion.

When did he get a cane, she wondered. Why does he have a cane?

Upon the thought of him being with the woman, she could not help but be slightly blinded by the reflection of the sunlight that bounces from the bumper of her car that creates a beautiful sparkle within the snow that gives the chunky diamond on her ring finger. Large tears grow wider within her tear-ducts as she bites down on her lip. Laughing, he was laughing at whatever had came from his significant other's lips. In the middle of this laughter, his head rose up and a quick glance at a random car became a long stare.

He placed his hand on the lower dip of her back and whispered something. She nodded and wandered off in another direction. He kept on walking, his face a lot more serious as Rose continued to cry. The distance between his steps became shorter but the pace continued to increase. He came to a stop before her. She gets out of the car without bothering to wipe her face clean.

"What are you doing here?"

She refused to look him in the eye. Her own eyes wandered to focus on anything but his own golden orbs. She said, "Something wasn't sitting right with my spirit. I couldn't fight the feeling."

"Rose, don't purposely hurt yourself."

Eyes of hers decided to shut themselves. "I can't sleep at night because there's so much he say, she say floating around. You know what they've been saying about you, don't you?" He knew exactly what was being said because every bit of it was true. He was doing what she told him to do. He was moving on with his life in the same way that he expected her to move on with her own. "I don't like it," she admitted.

"People always have something to say, I told you that when we both had to deal with it."

Her eyes finally opened and she could not help but gaze into his own. The both of their irises had much to say to one another, one pair being far more apologetic than the other. History of the two is flashed before their eyes, each's reflection shown to the other through their soul's window. A hint of sorrow rose from the hearts of them both. They know what they did.

Those same large tears resurface into her ducts. She asked, "Is it true? Is any of it true?"

"You're making a mistake."

She waved him off. By now, her face was freshly stained, nose reddened all over again. She practically begged for a reply with her eyes. "Is it true? It isn't true, right? They're just rumors. He started to bite down on his lip as her own quivered and her voice quaked. "They are lies, right?"

He remained silent.

A smart girl, she is. She got the picture. She understood what was going on. She simply wished this weren't the case. When it all came down to the final say, she thought that it would be the two of them leftover. Life kicked in and quickly corrected her, leading her to this exact moment. She felt her heart break before her as she was being force-fed a series of words that she did not want to have to rummage for through his silence. Yet, she understood that it would only hurt more if he were to have came out and say it. You know, say those words out of his own mouth, right before her.

"Prince," she cried. "Please, just lie to me and say that it isn't true."

He exhaled a deep, shaking breath. His own nose had became ruined with a pink tint as he bit down on his lip harder, exposing a single dimple. His eyes shut tight and he tried to fight the open. As they opened, the failure became evident. A single tear dropped from his right eye. Prince reached out to cup her face with the hand of that exact side. His thumb glided across her upper cheek, he softly wiped away a tear. "It isn't true," he lied. He watched her world shatter in his eyes and another tear slithered toward escape from the outer corner of his left eye. "It's all a lie."

"It's all a lie."

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