update + sheila's lemon cake?

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Well, hello

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Well, hello. It seems to me that it's been a while. Yesterday was 4/21 so I'm sure there's plenty to talk about but I'll start with myself.

So, to keep this quick, simple, and brief. Just like every other university in this country my own is ran by a money hungry white man who refused to close my school to avoid losing money regardless of the fact that my university was the home of the first corona case in my state back in January. They gave very little information about it and people began ditching class because of it.

Around that time is the time that my annoying roommate began dating their boyfriend, who was originally their best friend that they've been talking to online for two years. One day, I said, "Hey, [insert name here], I'm going to Chick Fil A. I'm hungry. I'll be back." My roommate then gave me the regular half sleep reply they always give and I left. I got outside and it started to rain so I simply went to the mini campus grocery store next door to my dorm and bought frozen TGI: Friday's barbecue chicken. As I head upstairs, disappointed that it stopped raining once I already swiped my card, I get into the elevator and click the button to the tenth floor. My entire trip is only about one and a half Prince songs so, roughly 10-15 minutes. When you opened my suite's door, there was a loud thud as there was when you closed it and locked it. I go to open the door leading directly into my room and my roommate is has their hand in their pants while on facetime with their boyfriend.


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I did not immediately register it as masturbation because earlier in the day the child said, and I quote, "Dude, my pubes are so long I can like fucking— like twirl them into little dreads." That was until I saw how red their face was. Then I knew and I was OVER IT. I grabbed my shit and left, I continued to leave for another three days while they ignored me for a week and a half and their boyfriend made slick comments, enough slick comments for him to be lucky that he lives in New York because he can truly get this work.

Then, my roommate ghosted me and moved out without telling me after I told them we could move out early. The end.

Enough of that. I'm ready to drag Sheila through filth because I've had enough.

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