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Raven POV

As I open my eyes I feel a pain in my stomach and my head, god it's bright. Where the hell am I? I try to lift my arm but it's weighed down, I turn slowly and see a head on blonde hair, sleeping.
"Jjj....ja...." I start to cough as I try to call out his name, his head shoots up and he grabs me some water. I take a small sip and he places the cup back on the table.
"Abel...." I whisper out and he smiles "Abel
Is okay, he's fine. Thanks to you"
I nod and sigh "good"
"Raven you saved my son. I don't know I will ever repay you"
"You don't have too" I croak "I love him"
"He loves you too"

He kisses my forehead and I hear him sniffle, I look up and tears are forming in his eyes. I take his hand and shake my head "I'm okay"
"I nearly lost you Ray, I don't know what I would do if....."
"But you didn't. I'm hear and I'm okay and more importantly Abel is safe. That's all that matters"
"Thank you. I'll go get a doctor"
I nod as he walks out of the door, god I'm in so much pain. Getting shot really is not as fun as it sounds. I'm just relieved I could save Abel but I was quick enough to save sack.

The doctors come in and check me over, while Jax stands watch over me. I have a feeling he isn't going to be letting me out of his sight for a long time. As my wound is being checked I wonder if Tara bothered to show her face again or if she just kept on running and never turned back.


I see Ray in deep thought as the doctor checks her over, I know she is thinking about Tara and sack and how she couldn't save him. I know her better then anyone and she will try and blame her self for his death. As far as Tara is concerned she hasn't shown her face here since running and I know if she did Ray would kill her where she stood. She loves Abel fiercely and for Tara to run and leave him behind in the face of danger doesn't sit well her Ray or me. No mother should do that, no father should do that.

A child should be number 1 priority in every situation. As the doctors leave I see Ray smile at me, I walk over and hold her hand gently.
"You okay beautiful?"
She nods "I'm sorry about sack"
"Hey, you did everything you could okay"
"The funeral?"
"Saturday, everything is arranged"
She nods and I see a tear slip down her cheek.
I cup her face and she starts to sob, i gently get into the bed with her and hold her close.

"I couldn't save him......I was too late"
"This isn't your fault Ray, you did everything you could okay. Nobody blames you"
She snuggles into me and I hold her while she works through her grief, sack was a good friend to her and I knew loosing him would be hard. He was like her little brother, she always wanted to protect him but he died a hero. Trying to save Abel and Ray and Ray got the revenge that was needed. I just wish I could have been there, if I hadn't of shouted at her maybe we both would have gone to the house and non of this would have happened.

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