What the.....

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"Jax!!! You better get out here now!!"
I rush outside the club house and see Raven on top of Ima, hands around her throat and nearly killing. I run over and drag her off and she kicks and screams at me before turning around and slapping me across the face. She stops completely in shock as to what she has just done. I try to keep my anger in and push her towards Chibs.
"Take her inside" Chibs nods and pulls Raven away.

I turn and help ima up, she is bleeding and I can definitely see Raven has broken her nose again.
"What the hell happened?"
"That physco bitch attacked me"
"Come on Ima. I know you, what did you say to her?"
"Nothing. God."
"I don't believe you. Just get out of here now"
"You weren't saying that last night"
I laugh "Ima your a whore. Nothing more so just leave"
She storms off and drives away, I take a deep breath and get ready to talk with Ray. I don't think it's going to be a calm conversation.

Raven POV

Chibs finally lets me go and I pace the length of the room, I wanted to kill her. She is such a whore.
"Okay Chibs, let me talk to her alone"
He nods and walks out closing the door behind him. He looks over at me and I can see he's angry but at this point I don't care.
"What happened?"
I stay silent, I don't want to talk I want to rip imas face off.
"Ray! Speak to me!"
I shake my head and continue pacing, he walks over holding my shoulders so I can't move. I try but he is too strong.

"Let me go Jax"
"No. Now what the hell happened?"
"Nothing. You wouldn't care anyway. Your just bothered cuz I scratched up your new toy"
"What? For fuck sake Ray. Is that what that was about? Me screwing her. Last time I checked I was single remember"
I shake my head and pull away from him, he looks at me and I see the confusion in his eyes.
"No. That's not what it was about. You wanna fuck a whore go ahead. What that was about was the shit she said to me about sack. But you know what Nevermind. I'm going home"

"No your not. What did she say?"
I push passed him and run out of the door, I hear him coming after me so I scramble on my bike and race out of the courtyard as fast as possible. He doesn't care, everyone seems to have forgotten who sack was and I can't take it anymore. I just want to be alone just for a little while. I need to get away, away from
Charming away from all of it.

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