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Raven POV

2 years later

"Baby I'm home"
I turn and see Jax standing there looking extremely exhausted but damn does he look good. I hear pitter patter of tiny feet running from the play room and then he is hit with a wave of children. Abel who is now 5 is the spitting image of his father, in looks and personality. Our daughters Imogen and Evie are just over 1 years old and they have recently found there feet so they are up and going where ever they can. They all jump on him and he smiles so big.

"Hey guys, did you have a good day?"
"Abel got a special award today" I say and Jax smiles "you did buddy?"
"Yeah dad"
"Well done mate"
They all scurry back to the play room and Jax walks towards me. He places his hand on my swollen stomach and rubs gently.
"And how are you?"
"Sore. Your son likes to use my rib cages as practise for football"
"Hey" he kneels down and kisses my stomach "go easy on your mummy would ya"

"What about the girls? How they been?"
"Well, we started our day great until we dropped Abel at school and well they have been little nightmares ever since"
He chuckles "I'm sorry baby. Why don't you go relax in a bath, I'll sort the kids and then once there in bed. We can order a takeaway and watch a movie?"
"That sounds like heaven but your exhausted too baby"
I cup his cheeks and kiss him softly "you are carrying our son and taking care of our 3 children. You deserve some relaxing time. Now go" he turns me and smacks my ass lightly.

"Yes boss!"
"Mmmmm don't make me come join you"
I wink and head on into the bathroom, run my bath and get undressed before climbing into the lovely bubbles.
I feel my whole body relax, Jax still works at teller motors and is now boss so he works so many hours and he is always so tired but he makes sure me and the kids are okay before himself. As far as the club, Clay did step down due to his hands, he couldn't ride anymore and decided to finally do what's best for the club. Chibs stepped up as President with Opie by his side.

Opie and Donna are now expecting there 3rd kid and they are so much better then they were 2 years ago. The club itself is running completely legit now and it's definitely for the best. Gemma, she is around. She divorced Clay and is living on the outskirts of charming, she comes round once a week to see the kids and me. We have a relationship but not like we used too, after what she did I just found it really difficult to be close to her again.

"Here you go babe" Jax brings in a hot cup of tea for me and places it on the side, he leans down and kisses my forehead and strokes my 6 month stomach.
"Feeling okay?"
"Yes thank you"
"Well the kids are eating and I'm going to shower quick and then get them ready for bed. You take your time okay"
I nod and he leans down to capture my lips with his.
"I love you Mr Teller"
"I love you too Mrs Teller"

He kisses me again before walking out and heading for the shower. I snuggle down into the water and watch as my baby boy moves around in my stomach, it is always mesmerising and I love to feel his movements when he is kicking the hell out of me. When I look back and see how far Jax and I have come and what we overcame it makes me smile. He is a different man then he was when I met him and he is better for it, I love him with all of my heart and I love our family and the future we have created. Falling in love with Jackson Teller was by far the best thing I have ever done in my whole life.

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