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Raven POV

"Wow" I lay panting next to Jax, very naked and very out of breathe. He chuckled beside me, just as breathless "wow indeed"
I turn to look at him and he is smiling from ear to ear. I sit up and run my hands through my ruffed up sex hair. I feel him sit up too and place his hand on my back.
"Are you okay?"
I look back at him and nod "Ray, if you regret this then...."
He stands up out of bed and pulls his sweatpants up.
"No I get it ray really. How I treated you was not okay and if you still can't forgive me then I will continue to give you space and we can just say this was a fluke okay. Your were angry and...."

Before he can finish I crawl towards him, lean up on my knees and place my hands around his neck. Pulling him in close and kissing him deeply.
As I pull away he smiles "I don't regret this Jax, your right what happened was not okay but these last couple of weeks without you have been hell. This time round with us is different, I feel it. I felt it just an hour ago. We never made love like that before. I love you Jax and I don't want to spend any more time away from you"
"You don't?"
"No. I miss you. I miss Abel and I miss us"
He picks me up and spins me around making me squeal as he does.

"God Ray" he cups my cheeks and kisses me again "I love you so much and I promise you I will never hurt you again. Ever"
"You better not Teller, otherwise no one will ever be able to find your body"
He chuckles "that probably wouldn't scare most people but I know you and I know you could do that, so I'm just going to kiss you"
He pulls me close and kisses me again, deeply and passionately. I can't help but let out a little moan. As he pulls away he tucks my hair behind my ears and sighs "Raven Lloyd I love you more then anything in this world." He places his mouth close to my ear and whispers two words that leave me shocked "marry me?"


She is stood shocked, frozen on the spot. I always knew Raven would be the one for me and I just feel like we have wasted so much time. I want to marry her and have a family with her.
She stands and starts to pace "Ray!"
She stops and looks up at me "Jax, why? What? How?"
I can't help but laugh "it's not a hard question babe. Do you wanna be my wife?"
"I.....Jax we just got back together"
"I know but Ray we've been in each others lives for so long now. Tell me this doesn't feel right?"
"Of course it does"

"So. Marry me?" I turn and open up my top draw pulling out a ring box. I picked out her ring many years ago. I was just always waiting for the right moment but when we broke up, I didn't ever think I would get this moment again. I get down on one knee and take her hand "Raven Lloyd I'm going to ask you one more time. Will you Marry me?"
She smiles and I see a few tears fall "yes"
"Yea? Really?"
She nods and I rush towards her, kissing her and spinning her. As I place her down, I place the ring onto her finger and kiss her again.
"I love you"
"I love you too Mrs Teller"

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