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Raven POV

"I promise to treat you as good as my leather and ride you as much as my Harley"
I hear the laughter from all around us, usually it's the groom that repeats those words but I couldnt help myself. Jax smiles so widely at me and I can't help but chuckle.
"I now pronounce you husband and wife"
The whole room erupts and Jax grabs me, pulls me close and kissing the life out of me. He dips me low and I place my hand on his cheek. As he pulls me back up, he smiles "I love you Mrs Teller"
"I love you too Mr Teller"

We walk hand in hand back down the aisle and every cheers and whistles. I see Gemma wiping away tears and it makes me so happy that everyone is so excited for us. As we walk through the double doors, Jax grabs me once me and places another incredibly passionate kiss on my lips.
"We are finally married"
"Yes we are"
I kiss him again "come on Mr Teller, we have a party to get too"
"Lead the way wife"

I can't help but giggle, this is all I've ever wanted. Me and Jax finally together and happy. He is the only man I have ever dreamed off and I couldn't imagine my life without him.
Everyone pours into the room after us and I'm handed a beer by the prospect.
"Okay, everyone please raise your bottles and glasses to my beautiful amazing wife you not just made me the happiest man alive by marrying me but also kicked some serious ass earlier to save me. I love you baby and I can't wait to see what our future holds"

I hear people whooping and hollering as I take a sip of my beer. I see Jax look across me and I follow his line of sight to clay, I know for whatever reasons I has to save his ass it had something to do with Clay and I know Jax isn't happy with what he is doing to this club.
"Go. Sort it out"
"You sure?"
I nod and kiss him once more "go baby, just don't be long"
He kisses me again and walks over to his step father, I just hope it doesn't get too messy and they can calmly talk through there issues.

A few hours later.....

I've been sat on my own for 3 hours, Jax is still speaking with Clay and I'm pissed off and tired. So I decide to grab Abel and head home.
"Sweetheart it's your wedding night I'll have Abel" Gemma says as I grab his stuff.
"Gem, he is still talking with Clay. I don't think I'm going to get much of a wedding night". I pick Abel up and hug Gemma "I'll see you tomorrow"
She nods and I walk away to my car, I know the club is important and I did tell him to talk to clay but I didn't think it would take up our entire wedding reception.

As I get to the house, I take Abel inside and get him ready for bed. He pretty much passes out straight away, I head to the shower, taking my dress, make up and hair down. I clean myself, get into some comfy pjs and make myself a hot chocolate. Sitting outside under the stars I can't help but get a little emotional, I shouldn't be sat on my own right now. I should be with my husband but instead the club comes first.

I take out the white stick from my bag, hold it dearly in my hands as I take a deep breath and sigh.
I wanted to share some huge news with Jax tonight, a special moment for us both but instead I'm sat here by myself, looking down at the two pink lines wondering if this is the way my life is going to be now.

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