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Raven POV

Jax walks around me and stands in between myself and Ima.
"What the hell you doing with my son?" He says as he takes Abel from her arms.
"The prospect handed me him in a rush. Not like I wanted the brat"
And that was it, the last straw. I pushed Jax aside and pushed ima to the floor. Sitting on top of her, I find myself swinging like a mad woman. Punching her until the blood pours, I feel myself being lifted and I fight whoever it is who is holding me but there stronger, so I push my head back until it makes contact with a face. As I turn I see happy clutching his nose.
"Sorry Hap"

I go to storm towards ima again but Jax stops me, he cups my face "Ray please. Stop, your scaring Abel"
I look to my left and see Abel in Chibs arms, he is crying and instantly feel bad. I walk towards him and take him from Chibs, holding him close. I walk towards ima who is still bleeding and crying. She flinches as I stand in front of her, I calming look her in the eye and take a deep breath "I suggest you leave this court yard and never come back. Do you understand?"
She nods and runs off to her car, I turn to the prospect and he looks terrified.
"You ever bring her around here again and it will be the last thing you ever do. Understand?"
He nods and I walk inside with Abel in my arms.


I genuinely thought she was going to kill her, thank god Abel was here because I don't think I would have been able to stop her. It's been a few hours and everyone has welcomed my mum back and she is loving having everyone around her. I see Raven sat at the bar helping happy with his busted nose, she got him good. I walk over and Pat happy on the back.
"How you doing man?"
"Good. Just remind me never to get on her bad side"
"Yeah man. Never a good idea. Hey Ray? Can we talk?"

She sighs "okay. Roof?"
I nod and we make our way over to the ladder to go to the one place that has always been our haven. As we get to the top, Ray sits down in her usual place and I sit down next to her, there is an awkward silence in the air and I'm not really sure how to break it.
"So?" She asks and I gulp, she is pissed and she has every right to be.
"Ray I just wanted to say I'm sorry for yesterday and for everything that happened before you left. I wasn't there for you and I should have been and I'm just so sorry"
"No. I was a complete jerk, you were going through hell and I wasn't there. When you left I hated it, not having you here was unbearable. It made me realise how much not just everyone down there needs you but how much me and Abel need you. I just.......part of me wishes you would have asked me to go with you"

She looks at me shocked "you would have never left here Jax"
"For you I would"
She shakes her head and stands up "just don't Jax, we aren't going down that road. Your looking for something that I cant give you"
As she walks passed I grab her arm and pull her back to me, cupping her cheeks and placing my lips on hers before she can run from me again.

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