Intrusion and Accusations

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Raven POV

"Ooo someone is at the door Abel I'll be right back"
"Kay mummy"
It still makes me smile, I love Abel just like my own child and it makes my heart skip a beat every time he calls me mummy. As I open the door I see Gemma and she doesn't look happy.
"Hey Gem, everything okay?"
"No it's not and you know damn well why"
She pushes past me and heads to the kitchen, ignoring Abel's sweet hellos.

"Gemma what's going on?"
"I never thought you'd do this Raven, ever after everything we've done for you"
"What? I don't...."
"Stop acting dumb!" She shouts which makes me jump "you forced him to do this. You forced him to turn his back on his family"
"I didn't force him to do anything. I didn't even know that was the decision he made"
"So you knew there was a decision to be made?"
"He spoke to me when we were away told me what he was thinking and feeling. I told him I would support him no matter what but it was his decision"

She laughs "how could you? How could you let him do this? That club is his life and his legacy"
"No Gemma, me and Abel are his life and his legacy. And he didn't feel right keeping leaving us behind"
"So it was your influence then.."
She walks over to me and gets in my face "you skeeming two faced bitch, I raised you like my own and this is how you repay me"
"Gemma...." Before I can finish my sentence I feel a hand slap me so hard across the face I fall backwards. Luckily I'm able to land on my back and not my stomach, she doesn't know I'm pregnant.

"What the fuck do you think your doing?" I hear from behind me, as I see Jax and Opie storm into the kitchen.
"She's twisted your mind Jax...."
"No she hasn't. She didn't even know I was doing this today"
He kneels down beside me and cups my now extremely sore and probably red cheek.
"Are you okay? The baby?"
"I think we both okay" I nod as the tears fall.
"Baby?" Gemma asks and Jax stands up, getting into her face.
"Yes baby! Now get out before I do something I regret"

"I didn't know.....I"
"No. No one does. Get out!"
Gemma walks towards the door, as able comes running into me. He cuddles up close and strokes my stomach.
"Are you okay mummy?"
"Im okay baby" I cuddle him and kiss his head as I look up to Jax who is unbelievably angry.
"Abel go play with uncle Opie for a little bit"
I look to Opie who I haven't really spoken with since the incident at the clubhouse and he nods. Taking Abel's hand and walking towards the living room.

Jax helps me up and wraps me in his arms "I'm so sorry baby. She didn't take the news well and I'd hoped to get here before she did"
"It's okay. Im okay"
"I wanna get you checked out just to make sure okay"
"Okay" I cup his cheeks and kiss him softly "you walked away?"
"Kind of. I stepped down as VP. Told them I'd still be around but my focus was you and the kids"
I nod "are you sure?"
"Yes. I love you and I don't want to miss anymore of this life with you"

I can't help but smile "what about your mum?"
"She's pissed obviously. But she will come around, she has too. Im so sorry she hurt you"
"It's okay. I knew she would be angry if this is what you decided I just didn't think she would really believe I would force you to do this"
"She didn't mean it. She loves you Ray"
"Doesn't seem like it anymore"
"No Jax. I can understand being upset but how she just treated me and In front of Abel I can't condone that. I just can't"
He nods "I know. Let's get to the hospital and make sure little one is okay"
Opie comes with us and Abel stays with him while we head to the hospital. We need to know this baby is okay, if it isn't I will never forgive Gemma.

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