Telling everyone

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I can't believe it she is actually going to be my wife, she agreed to marry me and I'm happier then I have been in so long. Today we are planning on telling Ma and clay and I know Raven is scared. I've told her so many times that it's going to be fine. I know my mother loves her more then she loves me so I don't understand why she is worried.
"Ray we gotta go?"
She nods and picks up Abel, kissing his head and hugging him close.

"Are you okay?"
She nods and continues to walk towards the car, I lock up after grabbing Abel's bag and follow after her. She is sat inside the car, Abel strapped in and she is staring out the window.
"Ray what's going on?"
She shakes her head and I can't help but get worried "are you having second thoughts? Cuz if you are..."
"God No Jax" as she turns I see a tear run down her cheek.
"Baby what's going on?"
"I don't know. I just I'm scared, gemma has always seen me as a daughter and what if she thinks I'm not good enough for you"

"That's not going to happen babe, she loves you"
"It's not just that. I guess, not having my dad here too is hitting me. He won't be there to walk me down the isle"
"Oh sweetheart. I'm sorry I didn't even think about that"
"It's not your fault" she places her hand on my cheek and smiles "I love you. I'm happy and excited to marry you. I'm just a little scared"
"I understand. I love you too more then anything"
She smiles and takes my hand as we drive off towards the club house.

Raven POV

As we pull up, I can't help but suddenly feel very nauseous. I grab Abel and we make our way inside, I see gemma and she smiles so big when she sees us.
"Hi, it's good to see you" she hugs me and Abel close and I hug her too.
"You okay?"
I nod "yeah all good"
She looks behind me and sees Jax, she helps
Him with the bag as I place Abel down to play with his toys.

"What's the big news anyway?"
Jax looks at me and smiles "do you want to tell her"
"No you can"
"I asked Ray to marry me and she said yes"
I see the shock on Gems face and i stand waiting, waiting to hear the words your not good enough to be a wife or a mother. I feel two arms engulf me and hug me tight.
"Im so happy for you"
I look up and she is crying but smiling at the same time.
"You are?"
"Of course I am. I love you both so much"

I can't help but hug her closer and cry a little myself, she holds me close and kisses the top of my head.
"Sweetie what's wrong?"
"She was scared to tell you. She thought you wouldn't approve"
"Oh honey" she takes my hand and walks me over to the sofas.
"Why on earth wouldn't I approve of this? You and Jax have been made for each since the moment you met. I've been praying for this, for both of you to finally wake up and stop messing around. You" she cups my cheeks "are a wonderful human being, an incredible mother to that little boy and your going to make an absolutely amazing wife to my son. He is lucky man and I hope he knows that"

I hug her again and thank her for her kind words, we sit and talk for while about ideas and when we want to get married and I feel Jax beside me, holding me close and im happy, for the first time in a long time im so happy.

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