Chapter 3

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Robin and Lily with curiosity ask the guide ''what had happened there. due to which everyone went missing??'' guide replies ''still that reason is not yet found out... No one knows what had happened there no one knows what had taken place inside the 4 walls of room no 213.. but since those couple left... There had been people missing from that room... nina gets scared.. and holds nohas hand... stacy gets scared and holds Liam's hand .. Liam out of curiosity asks the guide ''what happened to them... guide to the PPL who have gone missing... guide replies ''there is not a single trace of where did those missing people go... What has been happening to them... Are they still alive or what.. no one knows anything about it ... and since then people are getting scared to stay at that motel.. and because of that the motel had to be shut down... But passer byes still say that they do hear some sounds at night from there. while passing from there I sometimes still do find it weird and according to the files registered related to this case.. what I have heard.. all the relatives of the missing people have said that their mates have been missing from that room only and also during the night... guide and also there were no signs of anything or anyone entering that room or going out from that room as seen from the CCTV footage ... nina gets more scared and almost hugs Noha. Nina asks the guide.. but how's that possible guide.. like even if no one entered the room or exited.. liam joins in '' yes guide that's a bit strange... guide answers them confused as well ''I know that... But can't help it... What is seen should be believed... but according to me. I think that there are ghosts there... But then looking forward to the evidence and the cases... People believe that there is a ghost over there ghost... but according to me. I think... teacher arrives come on students... We have a long day tomorrow... Let's go to bed. All the students start screaming in unison ''but the teacher the story...'' guide also interrupts ''yes kids she is right... We have to do a lot of interesting activities tomorrow.. so go to your tents now everyone exists noha lingers behind Nina ''are you good Nina?? Noah asks Nina hesitantly ''umm yeah sure I guess'' nina replies still scared ''do you want to join me?'' noah asks blushing and quickly realizing what he said '' omg that's not what I meant'' I meant .... like uk umm...'' nina laughs at Noah because he looked so cute flustered '' it's okay Noah I understand '' ''and yes I would love that'' nina replies ''I was so tired that I fell a sleep immediately'' nina thinks. next morning ''wait? why do I feel something heavy'' .. nina looks down at a sleeping Noah practically on top of her ''were we cuddling last night? I hope we did not do anything else apart from cuddling ''nina thinks already blushing..nina slowly wakes up without waking up Noah.. after some time they all meet outside their tents and start the trek. Before they know it they reach the trek point. malisa keeps clinging on to Noah again and again Nina gets annoyed '' will u get off Noha... Malisa can't u open your eyes and see that Noha is not liking this.. so back off from him u bitch teacher interrupts them come on students it's time for us to leave Jacob we will have a stop at a place for our dinner so everyone is together until then you can roam around but be close so Nina Stacy robin Noah and their group plan to just walk around. Malisa follows them Nina and Noha realize that it is very late... and realize that they should head to the bus When they reach there.. they see that the bus has already left And also... The others following them... Got stuck behind..with them Nina ohh shit we have missed our bus ''no I don't think we missed the bus guys I can still hear everyone else from a distance'' lily points out...'' thunder '' we better hurry guys because it's going to rain soon'' robin says in a hurry... it starts raining everyone start running in a random direction .. ''look I can see a house there at some distance.''. Liam says '' yes I think we should halt over there because we anyways were going to stay the night in the woods next morning we can go back to them'' Malisa pipes in ''yes I think it is a great idea'' robing confirms they all run towards the house. They reach the house and they all are shocked looking at the house and are terrified when the motel misunderstood as house reads ''THE CECILIA HORTHWAY''

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