Pietro x Reader

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If you haven't seen AOU then don't read this chapie please I might be able to write another chapie today. Also ur about 16 in this so yeah I guess it would be legal(?). :3


Today was not a good day. Reason one was because you woke up at 5:00 in the morning. To you waking up before at least 9:00a.m. was a no-no. So after 30 minutes of tossing and turning, you decided to go to the gym so that you could get some steam off. So you put on a black tank top and a pair of gray and blue running shorts.

Fast forward to now, which its about 7:00a.m., and you're still going goomng at a punching bag. See sometimes you're like Steve, you pummle the punching bags when you're deep in thought, or you just imagine the bag is Tony, because since your the baby of the group he just has to tease you.

  After about five minutes you heard the glass doors slider open. You looked behind you hoping that it wasn't Pietro, because let's face it, Pietro was fine, plus you had a major crush on him, even thought he was the enemy about half a year ago. Then once you fully turned around, you saw a blur and a gust of wind passed by you. 'Damn,' you thought 'out of all the Avenger's, it just had to be my fucking crush =_='.

  "Vell (Y/n), this is a nice surprise, especially since you are wearing such sexy cloths, and in my favorite colors too." Pietro said with a smirk, as he began to feel you up and down, especially you thighs. "S-shut up you asshat!" You stuttered as you escaped from his grip and walked out of the room.

~~~~~~~ Time skip brought to you by Steve's shield~~~~~

  A few hours have passed since you run in with Pietro, and you were still blushing. Then you best friend Steve walked into the room. "Hey Oreo, you ok?" Steve asked. "Yeah Stevie, I'm OK." You replied giggling. Steve had alwayed called you Oreo since you were by his Ned once he woke up after he was toughed out. Once he woke up you gave him a few Oreo's and said "Try some, they're really good. Plus they confert me in confusing times like you're having, so they might help." You told him that day, and from then you both became like brother and sister.

  "Are you sure you're ok (Y/n) your cheeks are red." Steve stated as he put his forehead on yours, checking to see if you felt hotter than usual. "Stevie, I'm fine~!" You whined while giggling at the sweet gesture Steve did to make sure that you were fine. "Well you seek fine, but I can't help but worry about you, you're just to cute." Steve stated. "Aww, thanks Steve, you're so sweet to me." You said as you smiled at him. "Anything for my little Oreo. Oh, also do you want anything for lunch?" Steve asked. You thought long and hard for about a minute then gasped and said "BLT please!" "OK, OK geez (Y/n) you're like a little kid." Steve said as he walked towards the elevator. "And I'm proud of it!!" You hollered back.

   Then just as Steve got on the elevator, you felt a presents behind you. You then quickly turned around and saw a chest covered in a light blue muscle shirt. "Hello (Y/n)." Pietro said as you jumped back in surprise. "What do you want Speedy Gonzalez?" You asked him while using a nickname you had given him. "(Y/n), (Y/n), (Y/n), you know I don't like that name." Pietro said as he pinned you up against the wall. You then tried to wiggle out of his grip, but he was too strong and held you in place. "Let me go Maximoff!" You only called him by his last name when you were really mad. "No, I'll never let you go (Y/n)." Pietro whispered as his head was in your neck. "Why!" You asked, wanting a answer. "I love you, (Y/n), I love you so much." Pietro confessed. You stood their in shock, unable to move as Pietro let go of you and stood right in front of you. You then started to cry in happiness, thought Pietro didn't know." (Y/n)... why are you crying. I'm sorry if I hurt you, I'm so sorry!" Pietro apologized not knowing how happy you were. "... Pietro I'm not mad at you, I'm so happy! You yelled as you fell into him causing both of you to fall onto the floor.

Then you sat on his abdomen, leaned down, and kissed him on the lips. It was a small kiss, about 5 seconds, but all of you feelings, your happiness, love, and joy, went into one, amazing kiss with the man you love.

  Once the kiss ended, you stood up, looked into Pietro' s brown eye's, and pulled him up to where he could stand properly. He then wrapped his arms around your wast and said "Thank you, for loving me back." Then he kissed you.

".... Hey (Y/n), the BLT' s are read- oh, um I can see um, that er, your busy so I just put your sandwich in the fridge." Steve said as he walked away from the cute scene.

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