Hair Cuts (Bucky x Reader)

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This is a request from secretavenger02. This is my first time writing a Bucky story, so I'm sorry if it is bad I tried my best. Also I have kinda seen Winter Soldier but I didn't pay at in to on cuz I was playing on my tablet (my bro got it for his b-day).

****Your POV****

"Bucky come' heeeeerrrreeee!!!!!" I yell, trying to get my boyfriend to come downstairs. "… Why??" He yells back. "Just get your ass down Herr or I will tell Steve, Tony, and Peter that we had to cancel dinner!" I shout, starting to et angry. "OK, OK. Geez woman!" He answers back. I hear thumping sounds coming down the stairs. 'Geez that man! I sometimes wonder how he lived on his own without me.' I think. He appearers from around the corner, his long, brown hair draped around his face(?). "Now what do you need? I was almost finished talking with Fury when you called me." He looks at me with a mild angry face. "Sit." I say pointing to the couch. "(Y/n), I'm not a dog, so don't order me around." He tells me. I get angry. "I said sit mister, or I will beat you with my brother Matt's hockey stick!!!" I command (Hehe 2p Hetalia reference >:3). He quietly sits down, not wanting to anger me.

I put a blanket over his chest to cover him. "(Y/n), what are you doing?" Bucky ask me. "I'm going to cut your hair. You keep saying that you don't want other people to be shared of you anymore. So, I'm going to cut and style it like when you were in the Army." I explain to him. "Your not cutting my hair (Y/n), Idont care what people think of me just because I look scary to them." He says as he starts to get off of the couch. "Bucky, you will sit down and you will let me cut your hair whether you like like or not Bucky!" I order him.

Bucky looks at me with a cold stare. I give him one just as threatening. His eyes narrow a little, then he sits back down. I grab my pair of scissors and start cutting.

~~~~Time skip~~~~

I just finished and stood there admiring my work. Bucky stood up, taking off the blanket. I got him a mirror a showed him what he looked like. Bucky was quiet for a while them said "Wow (Y/n), I look good." He looks at me. "Thank you honey." He whispers in my ear while he hugs me.

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