Emotions (Bruce x Male!Reader)

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Sorry! I forgot about these request! This is for thehatmaker

Prompt: Can u do a bruce x male reader

The Readers basically a scientist that doesn't know how to express his good emotions because he doesn't know how to. ( His parent never said I love u and alway fought). He saves Bruce from getting mortally wounded and claims that Bruce is his. The reader doesn't know how to say love, only dislike, hate, loathe, despise and other synonyms and feels bad that Bruce can say he loves him but the reader can't return the message. The Avengers keep trying to get him to say love the closes he has got was saying "The one I hate the least than the others." So ya u can decide the outcome plz do this 4 me.

I fixed the comment because the grammar confused me. Sorry it's late.



Today I woke up as usual and had my regular breakfast. I had those...uh...oh yeah, Fruit Loops. They were adequate, for a fruit flavored cereal. I got up to clean the ceramic bowl I had just used. As I got to the sink, my colleague Dr. Bruce Banner walked into the kitchen. He smiled at me and I noded at him,  acknowledging his presence. I turned on the warm water and began to scrub and clean the bowl. Then he began a conversation.

"So (M/n), are you going to help us in the lab today? Or shall you read up on those papers that Fury told you to read. They were about some new Lab Techs, right?" He had asked me. "Yes Dr. Banner. I will read up on the Applicants and choose only the very best in their fields." I answered the older scientist. Then silence overcame the room as I finished cleaning my bowl, and put it on a dish rack to dry.

I picked up the files and read over the first one. "Ashley Stanton, age 34 and is a major in astrophysiology. She's found many planets and nebulas. One planet she has found contains life." I wrote down some notes, saying how she wasn't the worst new recruit there was, for a women of her age of course. Then I saw Dr. Banner pick up another file.

"Daniel Fritz, 19. He has his Doctorate in Forensic Anthropology. Wow, he looks really promising." Banner praised the boy's profile. "He is but a child Dr. Baner. Most children his age, mature or not, will have minds clouded by feelings they cannot comprehend and get distracted. He may be promising, but until he can be trusted and can comprehend what we must do every day, I don't think he will be hired." I voiced my opinion to the elder Doctor.

He smiled at me and sat down in the chair across from me. "I can understand where you are coming from (M/n), but I think that this kid is promising." Dr. Banner said as he grabbed another pile.

"Oh, And (M/n)?"

"Yes Dr. Banner?"

"Bruce. Call me Bruce."


I was working in the lab late at night. I was looking at the stars through a high powered telescope. I saw a nebula with mixtures of blue, green and purple. I stared at it for hours watching bits of a star from. Then I heard the glass doors slide open and foot steps. I leaned back from the telescope to see Br. Ban- Bruce. "What are you doing here so late Bruce? You are usually asleep by now, correct?" I ask him.

He chuckles and walks closer to me. " I couldn't sleep, and I just thought I could come down here...and clear my head." He explains with a smile. "That is a stupid idea. How would you clear your mind here when there are many things to think about in this very room alone?" I tell him as I look back into the telescope. I hear him chuckle again, "Yeah, I guess you're right, I just thought looking through the telescope would calm my mind." I lean back to face him. 

Avengers x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora