Family (Pietro x Male!OC Alexius)

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This is my male OC. Sadly I can't draw good so I am using this picture. All rights to this picture go to the owner. Here is some info. Requested by OmorfiaUnderwood. Hope you like it!

Name: Alexius Iggy Kirkwood

Age: 26 but looks 15

Sign: Taurus - Patient and reliable, warmhearted and loving, persistent and determined, placid and security loving. Jealous and possessive, resentful and inflexible, self-indulgent and greedy.

Powers: Power Mimicry and Sensing, Animal Control, Teleportation, Summoning, Healing, Elven Magic.

Race: Elven

Height: 5'2"

Oh and I will be using Russian because Sokovia is face in the rel world and has no real language. Now that all this is done, now to the story! Oh and Pietro doesn't sound like Pietro it's because I only saw the movie once, and I will be using Magneto as a villain because i don't know what else to do. :D


It started as a normal day for Alexius, waking up to a hand on his ass that belonged to a mischievous dumbass. Alexius grumbled and smacked the pale hand. "Hand off ass please, it's too good for you." As he said this his boyfriend of 7 months just smiled his goofy smile and pulled Alexius back into bed.

"Должны ли вы быть так значит ваш любовник?" Pietro said in a husky voice with his thick Sokovian accent. "Ugh I told you to quit talking in Sokovian!...Stupid Pietro..." Alexius grumbled, and turned away and crossed his arms.

 Pietro just laughed and brought Alexius into his lap and laid his forehead into crook of Alexius' neck. Alexius just grumbled and sat there for a few minuted until he had gotten hot and lightly shoved Pietro away and got up. 

"I'm gonna go get breakfast, see you downstairs." Alexius said as he opened the door to leave the shared room .Pietro got up and went over to the smaller male and hugged him from behind. "Okay I vill meet you downstairs sexy ~." Pietro whispered into the small blondes ear and nipped his hair. Alexius blushed,whipped around really fast, kisses Pietro really quick on the lips, and ra  out of the room.

'Stupid Pietro...being all sexy and shit...' Alexius thought to himself as he trudged to the kitchen and started to make a PB&J. But to Alexius' dismay, Steve called him and said to get to the Quinjet ASAP. " Pietro get dressed! Steve ordered us to the Quinjet!" The small Elven man yelled as he teleported to the roof of Stark Tower. A few seconds later Pietro appeared. 

"Everyone's here, good. Now Fury has informed me that Magneto has made a mess of Central Park. Now Alexius, you will go with Wanda, Vision and Clint to make a distraction until we all get there. Make sure there are no civilian casualties." Alexius froze when he heard the older mans name. 'It can't be...Logan s-said that he went away for good...'

"I said Agent Kirkwood, do you Understand?" Steve had reiterated loudly. Alexius jumped at the sound of Steve's voice. He stared at Steve for a second then slowly noded. Steve then turned away and gave the others their orders as well. Bruce and Nat stayed together until they needed Nat, Tony and Thor would fight, but be careful around the Magnetic manipulator.

Pietro saw the distraught look on his lover's face and put his arm around the others solder. "Are you ok эльфийский принц?" Alexius looked up to silver haired Sokovian's puppy brown eyes. A look of despair had crossed Alexius' face. "I...I'm fine Pietro." The smaller man said. He moved away before Peitro could do anything else.

 "Let's move out team!" Steve ordered as he got his shield and walked onto the Quinjet. Pietro started to move towards Alexius when said man went to Clint and then disappeared.

Vision flew up and towards Central Park with Wanda in his arms bridal style. "Ugh..why am I zhe one alone..." Pietro said to himself as he sped off to the Park. When he arrived, Alexius had already started fighting with the Mutant. "Heh, look at you all grown Almárean, or should I say Alexius."  Magneto said as he blocked the car that was thrown his way. "Shut up Magneto know nothing!" Amexius shouted at the elder man as he summoned Elven spirits to help him. 

"Oh that's right, I know nothing! Like I don't know about the demise of your people and how I raised you, quit lying child! I raised you! You owe your life to me!" Magneto shouted as he made spiky shards of metal and forced them Alexius' way. Pietro raced to Alexius and moved him out of the way. The young Elf gritted his teeth. 

"YOU KNOW NOTHING OF THE PAIN YOU PUT ME THOUGH YOU OLD INSANE BASTARD!" Alexius shouted as he raised his hands, and tree roots grabbed the Old Villains limbs. "I did not cause you pain child! I showed you power that was hidden from you and you gladly used it!" Magneto shouted as the Shards cut the tree roots and Magneto levitated into the air. 

The ground shook as a powerful green aura pulsed from Alexius. His Spirits grew in tremendous size and he started to levitate. " You made me Kill innocent people! People who didn't deserve death! You made me kill thousand of innocent lived, and for what, because you felt like it!"

 He used his Spirits to distract Magneto as Vision fly tackled him and Wanda and Thor used their own magic abilities, causing Magneto to his the ground harshly. Hulk then grabbed him and bashed him around like he did Loki, thus knocked the old man out. 

Tony, Clint and Steve secured Magneto into magic handcuff like items. Alexius smiled and turned to his Elven spirits in Elvish*. Then the Spirits vanish. Alexius walks over to Pietro and hugs him and cries. Pietro smiles and pats his head. "You did the right thing Alex, he vas a monster who manipulated you." Pietro whispered into the smaller man's hair then kissed his forehead.

Alexius looks up with teary eyes, "But... he was the closest thing to a family I have ever had Piet.." Pietro smiled. "Well my little эльфийский принц instead of him, you have something better, and sexier." Pietro said as he smirked. 

Alexius smiled,chuckled, and said, "And who may that be?" Pietro just kept smirking"Why me of course." The Sokovian then quickly dipped the small blonde and deeply kissed him. Once they parted he had that stupid smirk.

 "Bet you didn't see that coming."


Должны ли вы быть так значит ваш любовник? - Must you be so mean to your Lover?

эльфийский принц - Elven Prince

Almárean (Ahl-MAR-ay-ahn) - the site that I used said that David is the english version of this name, which means blessed. But I didn't want to use that name since that is my best friend's name so yeah.

*Use this website ( and type in These Exact words: "Thank you Mother, Father, friend... I miss you all terribly, and one day I hope that we all meet in Valhalla. May we meet again someday..."  And you will see Elvish writing, like from The Lord of The Rings. If I copy and past it it becomes this: 3zDp nÍyN t3N6V= e3C6V= e7'B2RP--- 'B tiT; nÍyN j#° 17V;w%j'= 2P 5^È 2nEÍ 'B 9qNÊ 31D y'V j#° t~V1 5% rmEj#°'C- tnEÍ y'V t~V1 x#hE5 8t^2RnEÍ---

Hope everyone liked it! I thought this was pretty good for not writing in the span of 3-ish months. :D

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