Sexy Halloween Costumes (Pietro x Avenger! Reader)

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Hey, this is a request from my friend/follower Deathlox13. I hope its funny cuz I'm trying here, cuz dudes I just woke up like at 11 or 12. Yeah I'm lazy :P now onto thy storeh!!!!

"Tony!!!" (Y/n) yelled, trying to get Tony's attention. "Yeah Doll!?" Tony answered. "Come 'er!!!" (Y/n) ordered. "Aye When Cap'in!" Tony yelled. You laughter at that. A second later you see the Playboy standing in your doorway. "So what do you need (Y/n)?" Tony ask. "OK Ironass, here's the deal. I need a costume for Halloween and I need you to help me get a costume to impress Pietro." You tell Tony. "Fine, but you have to be my maid for a week while wearing a French Maid costume." Tony says. "Fine OK, just help me!!!"

~~~Time Skip to the Party ~~~

"Do you really thing this will do the trick Tony?" You ask him. "Have I ever given you wring advice (Y/n)?" Tony ask. You then give him the ' Really' look. He then says "OK don't answer that."

You walk downstairs to see a whole floor of Avengers Tower filled with People, Drinks, and flashing lights. 'This I gonna be fun' you thought. Then Pietro comes into the room, only to be dresses in a Mad Hatter costume (Not the Johnny Depp one with the orange hair, just a regular one). 'Oh god, oh god. Oh good Lord baby Jesus he is FINE!!!!' You thought in you head. Then you see him walking over to you. He says "Vow (Y/n), jou look Hawt !!!!!!!" Pietro says. "Thanks Speedy, you don't look bad yourself." You say winking at him.

~~~Another Time Skip sawwy~~~

After a few dances and drinks, tony announces the King and Queen of the costume party. "And the winners are.... Pietro and (Y/n)!!!! Give them a hand everybody. Now you two need to come up here." As Tony says that you and Pietro walk on stage. Tony puts your Tiara on you head while Pietro takes off his hat. Tony then crowns Pietro. "Now as the King and Queen of this fine party, you just seal you coronation with a kiss!!" You blush after Tony finishes his sentence. "Sure." Pietro says missing you on the lips. After that the night was blissful with your new boyfriend holding your hand.


Sorry if it was bad Deathlox13. Hipow you like it and remember ifya wanna story, Please PM me, Bai!!!!!!

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