Spin the bottle my ass!

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Was a request from -maximoffsiblings, hope you guys like it, and hope you like it too -maximoffsiblings. p.s hope its ok that i'm using your name in this girl :3


"Steve. Steve. Steve. Steeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeve." I said annoyingly, hoping to get the super soldiers attention. Steve turned to me, i could tell he was annoyed, hehe my job was complete. "Yes Mary, how may I serve you?" He asked with a bit of sarcasm, that bitch. "Well, I was gonna be nice and help you plan on what the Avengers get to do tonight, but know that I think about it your a 90 something year old asshat so I think you can handle it." I say sassily. (My new word :3)

Steve looked panicked, he knew that I was gonna help him plan something tonight since he's been busy all damn week. Stupid S.H.E.L.D work! It cost me my Wednesday special from KFC that Steve would always bring me! "Hehe i'm kidding Stevie! you know i'll always help you :3" I said once I hugged him. He hugged me. "You are an angel my dear!" Steve said happily. "Well I am a leteral angel, soooooo, yea."

~~~ Time skip by a certain someone's shield :3 ~~~

It was now like 11:30pm and I think Tony, Clint, Natasha, Peitro, and definitely Thor were tipsy, or worse drunk, although Tony was always drunk so meh. Steve and I had a hard time brainstorming shit so We (mostly I) decided for a Avengers Really Super Epic Sleepover, or the ARSES for short. "Spin the bottle time!" A drunk Tony shouted. "Shut up Ironass!" I shout back. Then I see Loki sitting in the corner petting my cat Eve, a cute white kitten I had found one day in a box, along with its like 9 other siblings, I adopted them all and I have been nicknamed the "Crazy Cat Bitch" by Tony. Loki likes all my Cats, but Loki was always a dick to me, I have said multiple times that he is a asshole and I hate him, but the truth is i kinda sorta like him a little bit, ok a big bit. He so pwetty :3

"Mary's it!" Tony shouts as he throws his beer bottle at my forehead. "Agh!" I make  make a weird sound and I fall over. "Goddamn it Tony! I told you, no throw'n whit when you're drunk!" I yell as I rub the growing bump and sit up, putting the bottle on the floor. Everyone then gets in a circle, even Loki. I spin the bottle and it lands on Steve. I smile, I knew tat Steve didn't think of me that way, he knew I liked Loki, plus he and Ironass where kinda a thing. I walk to him on my knees and peck his cheek then crawl back to my spot on all fours. Steve then spins the bottle and it lands on Vision. Everyone and i swear I heard Thor shout, "I Ship It!" Steve then gets up, walks to Vision, and Kisses him on the lips softly and quickly, then blushes and mutters a soft, "Sorry..".

 After a few rounds, Thor had kissed Peitro, and Peitro didn't let go of the Asgurdian barbie until after a minute of kissing him, thus making Thor smiling more like an idiot. The next round was Peitro giving up his turn to Nat, she ended up giving Bruce a cute loving kiss. It was my turn again since Bruce had spun it and kisses my cheek. I spun it for the second time and I swear I saw Wanda use her magic for shits and giggles to make the damn thing land on Loki. That bitch, I love her but why the fuck would she do this to me?!

I  crawled to Loki and sat there for a few seconds because once I saw those damn chiseled cheek bone, I blushed, plus those Emerald eyes were just fuck'n gorgeous! I quickly leaned in and kisses his lips. i tried as quickly as possible to get out of the kiss so I could go die in a corner, but Loki wrapped his hands around my waist and held me in his lap, prolonging the kiss. After like two minutes he ended the kiss and whispered, "My dear you have no idea what I've imagined doing to your lovely body, because I knew your heart was mine, but I know something that you do not." I looked up to see his face and asked, "Oh and what is that your Highness?" "That my heart belongs to you as well" he said as he softly kissed my lips.

Best goddamn sleepover EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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